Random thoughts

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You heard it here first, people!

Well, in the wake of Veronica Mars's stunning revelation as to who murdered the Dean, I'd just like to direct your attention to this post, in which I correctly predicted the killer. Oh snap! I'm smarter than Veronica! *does a happy dance*

Seriously, Becky and I were on IM that whole episode going "I want us to be right!" and trying to rationalize every twist and turn that made us think it was either the wife or the professor. And man, there were a LOT of twists in that episode. Kelly was a doubter. When the wife bought the boat? And when Landry went to Mexico? Oh yeah, there was doubtage. But - in your face, Kelly! We were soooooooo right.

And in other news... Logan and Parker? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh, and here's another interview with Michael Muhney... I'm really gonna miss that guy. Guess it's true, you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

Monday's episode of 24 was a little lackluster. Add a little pressure and Chad Lowe becomes a twitchy little fellow, doesn't he? I don't think he's cut out for the assassination business. I pretty much figure they're not going to actually kill the President, because they've done that a few times already... they'll probably kill Assad, and that will cause all sorts of ruckus in the Muslim world, and even more of them will hate us. So good job, Chad Lowe, on making the country even LESS safe!

Next week looks interesting... "You're gonna tell me what I wanna know, or you're gonna start losing your fingers one by one." And what was that nifty little finger snipping device Jack had, eh? You'd think Jack would've learned his lesson about breaking into foreign consulates and kidnapping, killing, or torturing foreign emissaries. That's kind of what got him dead and then locked up in a Chinese prison (yes, in that order...).

Okay, this is the funniest thing ever. Go to this guy's myspace page and listen to the song "Joss Whedon is My Master Now." Just do it.

And now, for our super-exciting news!!!!! James Marsters is doing two concerts in Long Island on June 30th. Kelly and I are soooo going. Tickets go on sale Friday, so let us know if you're in (you know you wanna...).

And super-exciting news number two - my parents officially have a kitten! They caught little Patches last night and took her to the vet today. She is now all spayed and got her shots and all healthy. She will be an outdoor kitty, but she's already figured out how to use a litter box (she's so smart!)... assuming she ever comes out from behind the couch. (She's afraid of either Dad or the big TV or both.)

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At March 1, 2007 at 3:06 PM, Blogger Becca said...

May I just say... we are awesome. Sorry about the whole "I want us to be right." thing. But it's what I do...

At March 1, 2007 at 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw, your parents finally get a kitty once you move out?

and james marsters in concert? mmm....spike. i'd like to go. what sort of music does he do?
i'll check out his page. haha.


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