Random thoughts

Sunday, February 25, 2007

"You know how to use this? Point and shoot."

Okay, I'm a little grumpy because this is the third time I've tried to write this post, and Mozilla keeps deciding to quit before I can finish it, so let's see if we can get through it, shall we?

So I spent much of yesterday watching the tape of all my shows from last week, which my mother so kindly mailed to me. It seems there was a "how to fire a gun" theme - including the quote in the title from 24, in which Jack learned exactly how dysfunctional his family really is. How about his father calling him a "civil servant" with such disgust? If Jack Bauer isn't a good enough son, what could that man possibly want? Jack's only saved the city of LA, the President, and the country like five or six dozen times.

And of course, I must add the obligatory, "Logan?? What the hell?" comment. I'm actually kind of glad to see him, since he's the President we love to hate - as opposed to Palmer II, the President we just hate. For more 24 news, here's 24 hours on the set of 24.

This week was the last episode of Studio 60, possibly for good. Starting tomorrow, it's being replaced by The Black Donnellys, and there's no word on it returning. Even though I tuned in faithfully every week, I can't say I'll really miss it. It was kind of just background noise for writing my 24 comments... Although I do feel compelled to point out that in this week's episode, the lawyer said she was from Gage Whitney. Would that be the same Gage Whitney that Sam used to work at before he joined the Bartlet campaign? Oh, Aaron Sorkin...

And now we return to our theme with Veronica Mars, in which this exchange took place:

"I don't even know how to use a gun."
"You pull the trigger."

Yes, thank you, Keith, but Jack Bauer took care of that already. Anyway, I was excited to see lots of Cliff - and Wallace! But sadly, Wallace had to be used for that bizarre "Lamb is a friend of Dorothy's" thing. What? Okay, is there a reason we needed to reference a bad joke from the pilot there? I did think it was hilarious when Lamb shot his own reflection, but then I felt bad about it because of him getting all dead later on.

Speaking of which - holy whoa! Totally didn't see that coming. Although apparently, I'm not the only one. I really don't understand why they killed him, except so that Keith could be the sheriff again. I mean, it wasn't even a cool death like he blew up trying to diffuse a bomb or in a major shoot-out or something (okay, I've been watching too much 24). He just got conked on the head. It just seemed like they could've done so much more with it, and they kind of threw it away. Wondering what "I smell bread" was all about? Yeah, me too.

What is Logan doing with Parker? This cannot lead to good. Don't stand in the way of the LoVe, Parker! Speaking of LoVe obstacles, I missed Piz this week, but you can get your Piz fix from this interview as well as this hilarious video in which he and Kristen Bell interview each other. Seriously, they are too cute.

Jericho is back - finally. I really can't decide if it's better or worse. This episode was mostly flashbacks to before the bombs, and while it explains a lot of things, it also made some things much more confusing. It was about average for the number of "ridiculous things that would never happen or would only be done by idiots" per episode.

Here's the one thing I don't understand (okay, there are a lot more things I don't understand, but this is just the one I'm gonna talk about right now) - what the hell are Roger and Emily doing together? I mean, Roger is obviously a big-city business man, and Emily's like, never left small-town Kansas. So how the hell did they even MEET? Even disregarding that - because I suppose it's possible that Emily ran into him on a random trip to Chicago or Roger had a sudden urge to take a vacation in the middle of a cornfield - I still don't understand how they live together. Roger cannot possibly have a job in Jericho. They're like, 30 miles from friggin Wichita, let alone an actual city. Where the hell does he work, and how the hell does he commute?

Okay, that's the end of my rant, even though there are many many plot points for which I could give rants just like that one. Now, onto tonight's episode of The Dresden Files, which I think was its funniest one yet - maybe on par with one of the lesser Buffy episodes (which is still pretty good). I had several laugh-out-loud moments - especially with Bob. When he was crying at the French film... and the silent exchange between Bob and Harry! OMG. Frankly, I loved Bob this whole episode.

This ep was also rife with book references - the scorpion and the frog story that Bob mentions came up in the fourth book (except it was a faerie queen who said it to Harry), and the Third Eye drug is from Storm Front. I wonder if they're still going to use it in the Storm Front episode, or if they'll drop that plotline to simplify the mystery (they had to cut it down from an 8 hour audio book to a one hour episode somehow, I suppose).

Bianca is another thing that comes from Storm Front - and I'm not sure how I feel about that. I liked the episode well enough, but I think I liked Bianca better when she and Harry were enemies rather than... whatever the hell they were on the show. It also makes me wonder if Bianca will still turn Harry's girlfriend into a vampire... since she's not trying to kill him and all.

Ancient Mai was pretty awesome, too. She comes in much later in the books, and I don't actually remember much about her character, but she kicked ass and was funny, so it works for me. When she slaps Harry and he's all "What was that for?" and she's like "I didn't know I needed a reason." - HA!

Did anyone watch Nicholas Brendon's movie Fire Serpent last night? It was better than that horrible Gryphon that poor Amber Benson was in (in that I managed to get through the whole thing without changing the channel) but Nicky was miles ahead of anyone else in that movie in terms of acting skills. Please! Can't these people get GOOD roles? What's wrong with Hollywood?

Speaking of our favorite vampire-fighters, if you can describe how Buffy has changed your life in 250 words or less, you can be in the Buffy comic! I am so winning this contest. The New York Times has an article about the Once More With Feeling singalongs. Who wants to go when the national tour comes to our area? And if anyone's looking to buy me a birthday present, I recommend this book. (Just don't ALL of you do it, or I'll be forced to sell the extras on eBay.)

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At March 1, 2007 at 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

do they have tour dates for the buffy sing-along?! i'm so in!
can you dress up like your favorite character like rocky horror fans?

At March 1, 2007 at 9:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I dunno, but if they do, I'm so totally bleaching my hair and going as Spike.


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