Random thoughts

Monday, February 12, 2007

TV news

Well, the tape's still running... so here's a million and one links that I found that may be of interest to the TV-minded among you:

Here's a looooong article about Joel Surnow (creator of the show I'm not watching right now) and the issues of torture and terrorism as depicted on 24 versus real life. I'm mostly disappointed he's good friends with Rush Limbaugh. And guess what! Dave Barry blogs about 24!

I found some more information about the Nathan Fillion/Amy Acker series Drive in this interview with Tim Minear (part one of I don't know how many). He mostly talks about the filming, which sounds pretty cool. I like the opening sequence that he described. But I do wonder about the sustainability issue that was mentioned in the comments. How long can the race go on? If they finish the race in the season finale, what is the next season about? A new race, with different people? Of course, who knows if it'll even get that far. Here's the promo, to pique your interest.

More Buffy-related stuff: As promised, the final installment of the Joss Whedon interview. And topic for discussion: Is Buffy a comics superhero? You decide. (Another realllllly loooooong article.) In this interview, Laurel Holloman of The L-Word talks about, among other things, her experience on Angel (she played Justine... remember, the chick who slit Wesley's throat?). And just because Megan mentioned it in the comments, I wanted to note that Nicholas Brendon's show, Kitchen Confidential, is coming out on DVD.

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At February 13, 2007 at 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, so i guess i didn't miss much of that show. i maybe saw 2 or 3 episodes, which was apparently most of what they aired (aw, poor nick)


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