Random thoughts

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm the coolest girl in school

Good news, people! I officially have a job again! I got a call today from the PA Department of Education - I'm going to be a legislative assistant. Whee!! So now I'm moving into my apartment Presidents Day weekend and starting work Feb. 26th. Isn't that exciting?

So, as promised, here's part 3 of the Joss Whedon interview. Seeing that picture of Buffy and Xander again, I realized that Xander looks like Milo Ventimiglia (with an eyepatch). Anyone else see that? It definitely doesn't look like Nicholas Brendon, that's for sure.

In case you're curious what the Buffy cast is up to now, here's an update. I didn't know Nicky Brendon was an alcoholic, nor did I realize that Tom Lenk was an 8-year-old girl. (Seriously, that video? Frightening. But the big group number at the end was kind of hilarious.)

Has anyone else seen the previews for the Bridge to Terebithia movie and thought, "What the hell? That's not the book I read as a kid!"? Well, I know I'm not the only one, because it's apparently "deliberately misleading" to attract a younger audience. I hate misleading movie ad campaigns. Seriously, I saw those previews and thought, "I don't want to see that movie. They've changed the ENTIRE POINT of the story." But now I realize they didn't, they're just advertising it like they did. That kind of makes me still not want to see it.

Richard Schiff (Toby Ziegler from The West Wing) is doing a play in London. I really wish I'd known about it when he was in New Brunswick.

And finally, your daily dose of random... do you sing in the shower?

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At February 9, 2007 at 10:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on the job! i'll have to come visit you sometime.
i read the buffy cast update thing. yeah, that video is disturbing, but funny at the end. is he trying to parody madonna? i don't quite get it. and i watched "kitchen confidential" for a while because nick brendon was on it.
yeah, i saw those previews for "bridge to terebithia", and was like, i know i read that book. is that what it's about? doesn't the girl die at the end?
and that shower thing- very strange.


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