Random thoughts

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Oh, do the tongue thing again...

So, for those of you who aren't Becky and Kelly, the three of us had a wee little road trip on Saturday to Farmingdale, NY, to see James Marsters in concert at the Crazy Donkey. The trip was great - with the exception of the unbelievable traffic jam that turned a four hour drive into an eight hour hellish nightmare. But we managed to keep ourselves entertained by playing the license plate game (32 states, 2 Canadian provinces, Washington DC, and diplomat plates), watching a skywriter, singing along to Once More With Feeling, eating a record number of Dunkin Donuts munchkins, and observing road rage in action. (Seriously, who parks their car on the shoulder in order to climb onto a truck and yell at the truck driver for not allowing you to illegally pass him on the shoulder?? And I still say we should've hit that motorcyclist that cut us off at the toll booth.)

Due to the massive unexpected delays, we ended up missing the first show, but we did get there in time for the later show (and big thanks to Lauren for making sure we could switch our tickets! I *heart* her... but not as much as I *heart* James, of course). Lauren, FYI, is an online friend of mine... there were a lot of people there from the BSV, but I didn't spend much time with most of them, due to the 8-hour drive and having real friends there. You can read Lauren's blog entry if you want to hear her perspective. She also has some pictures (mostly of the people she was with).

James is adorable in concert - but then, he's adorable in everything, so why should this be different? I think the best part of the show is just watching his facial expressions while he sings. The music was good, but honestly, not why people go... and he pretty much knows it. "I'm a whore, but I'm a high-class whore," I believe were his exact words. He has an interesting combination of knowing he's sexy and playing it up (what was that he said about the energy of an impending orgy? And, more importantly, how do I get in on it?), but also being really sweet and humble about it. He was joking about it going to his head, but you can kind of tell from the way he talks about it that he's pretty well grounded. Loved when he said, "Can I take you home to show my kids?" Um, let me think... yes, James, you can. You can take me home and do whatever you want with me...

Hmm, what else? He refused to sing Rest in Peace (claiming, "I don't do covers... get Joss to sing it," but if you've seen the reports from Collectormania, you know it's because he can't remember it). He looked hot, as always (though that was an awful lot of shiny around his neck...) - that is a pretty, pretty man. We only saw one Spike wannabe (disappointing), but the Spangel license plate in the parking lot made me giggle. That's some serious fan dedication.

I was manning Becky's camera ('cause I'm dumb and left the batteries at home for my camera), and I checked out Kelly's pictures on Sunday - we didn't get many good ones because the lighting was terrible during the second show. I think a spotlight was out, and poor James looks like a red, glowy devil man in almost all of them. I'm told it was better for the first show, so I'm snagging pics from other people who were there. RavenU always has good pics - these are from both the Fangoria convention Friday/Sunday and the Saturday concert. Seriously, the man makes some hilarious faces.

We didn't wait around for him to come out afterwards - when we left, the limo was still parked outside and people were congregating. He couldn't have hung around that long, since we went to the next light and made a U-turn, and by the time we drove past the club on the way back, the limo was gone. I hear that he was back in his hotel in Secaucus before most of the concert-goers, so it seems like he made a pretty speedy exit, in order to get some sleep. After the convention events on Sunday, he had to fly out to England, since he's filming Torchwood (the Dr. Who spin-off) in Wales.

And as a wrap-up, quotes from the car:
"I think I like Kelly more than I like me right now." - Becky
"Oh, we should be nice and let those people merge in front of us. I feel bad for them." - Kelly, hour 2
"Don't let them in! Don't let them in! Cut them off if you have to!" - Kelly, hour 7
"I died. We got hit by a truck and we died, and this is hell. It's the only explanation." - me
"OMG! Going 50 mph is so much better than sex!" - Becky
"Maybe I should stop gesturing to people out the window..." - Kelly

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At July 5, 2007 at 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, "for those of you that aren't becky and kelly" does that just leave me?
the crazy donkey? that's an awesome venue name. almost as good as the fu center.
that stinks about all the traffic. i probably would have killed someone.
and, wait, what? there was a spike orgy and i missed it? crap, i shouldn't have worked this weekend.
aw, i would have loved to hear him sing rest in peace. i think i need to go watch some buffy now. except i still need to get the 6th season!

At July 6, 2007 at 9:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ha, yes... in fact, I think that might be just you. And yeah, we almost killed someone in traffic - potentially several someones. But then, the Hummer almost killed us (damn Hummers) so I'd call it even.

Here's the clip from Collectormania of James trying to remember the words to Rest in Peace: http://youtube.com/watch?v=vEy-8ZibVJc
Seeing that, I can understand why he wouldn't want to sing it!

At July 6, 2007 at 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, that's funny how the crowd was singing what he couldn't remember


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