Random thoughts

Monday, April 26, 2010

Food post!

Oi. This has been the busiest week EVER. Between trying to put together a big event for work and writing final papers for school and my friends deciding to be social this weekend, of all times, I am about ready to fall over dead.

I haven't had much time for cooking experiments, but I did try this recipe for Halibut with Mustard-Nut Crust earlier this week. It was really good. I used the key lime mustard that I bought in Key West. I emailed the recipe to my mother, and she replied back, saying, "Did you shell, skin, and toast the hazelnuts??" No, Mother, I did not. I did what any sane person would do and bought a bag of chopped hazelnuts (already shelled and skinned) and then smashed 'em up with a salt shaker.

I think I need to invest in a set of stovetop pans that can go in the oven. For this recipe, I had to start out cooking it in a pan on the stove, and then transfer the whole thing to a baking dish to put it in the oven. Which wasn't awful, but it's one more thing to clean, you know? It took quite a bit longer to cook than the recipe said - I think I baked it for about 17 minutes, because it wasn't even close to done when I checked it after 10 minutes.

Also, halibut has bones in it. Consider that lesson learned.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

New computer!! And 24

After a week of angsting about it, I went out this weekend and bought myself a new computer. I've hated the Dell since I bought it (two and a half years ago), and although I very much dislike change, I think I'm going to be happy with my Samsung R480.

Also, I've been a few hours behind for a few weeks now, but I finally managed to catch up and... wow. I know 24 is even more merciless than a Joss Whedon show when it comes to killing characters, but two silent clocks in a row? Damn.

Hassan's death was rather well done, I thought. I have to give them credit, they've gone to the "terrorists use a live internet feed and a hostage" well many times before, but the pre-recorded thing was clever, and seeing Hassan with his throat slit while the recording was still playing? Jesus. I felt as bad as Jack did.

Renee, on the other hand, was sad but predictable - as soon as she and Jack kissed, I thought, "Well, she's dead." (Thank you, Joss Whedon, for ruining that for me forever.) I admit, I didn't feel like their relationship was very well established. The development was okay over the course of the season, but I definitely felt like there was a big leap forward in intimacy between last season and this one, which we didn't get to see and was very conspicuous in its absence. But the other thing is, when she and Jack first kissed, it struck me as odd (but, um, still kind of hot) to see Jack kissing someone, and I realized that for a male action star, Jack hardly ever gets any, y'know, action. And then Renee got shot and I remembered why Jack never gets any. Because anyone he loves always gets kidnapped or killed or both. The man is like relationship kryptonite, seriously. (Has anyone checked on Kim lately?)

Anyway, there is one cool thing that's come out of the last episode. I've never really thought much of the way 24 portrays women - even having a female President, I don't know what it is about her, but I can't stand President Taylor. And don't even get me started on the travesty that is Dana Walsh. But then Dalia Hassan stepped up to the plate, and she just rocks my world, man. I kind of am in love with the idea of her taking her husband's place and seeing his vision through, especially in a Muslim country where hard-liners just assassinated the president for daring to negotiate with the West. Apparently, martyrs' wives taking up leadership is a kink I never knew I had. (Unfortunately, her daughter really kind of sucks. Her lines sound like they were written for a five-year-old character, and they're delivered by a truly terrible actress.)

Ugh, Charles Logan. That guy is so slimy, and I'm tired of him popping up all the time. But OMG when the camera panned over and Reed Diamond was standing there, I literally pumped both fists in the air and said, "Dominiiiiiic!!!" Granted, all he did was get kicked out of a room without saying a word, but it made me grin like an idiot to see him again. Even if he is working for a slimeball.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010


I will spare you my f-bomb and capslock laden rant about last week's Bones and just advise you that you won't be hearing more from me about that bullshit show.

I still haven't caught up on Fringe or FlashForward since they've been back. I am more likely to watch Fringe, but neither one seems to have been missed. I'm also at least 3 hours behind on 24. I'll be happy when this semester is over.

And in funnier things, this.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Problem with Parenthood

(It’s mostly good stuff; I just liked the alliteration.)

So, I’m really enjoying Parenthood so far. Mostly the Peter Krause and Lauren Graham stuff, but that’s kind of what I expected anyway. I really enjoy seeing them interact with each other and with their kids. I loved last week’s episode where Drew was all excited to play baseball with Adam and Max and, like, actually have a father figure, and with Max obviously adoring Drew. And then Sarah getting all mama-bear about her kids – first with Julia when she was reluctant to have Amber babysit, then with Adam for letting Drew down. And somehow I’m managing to find the fact that Sarah and Amber both have a crush on Amber’s teacher to be adorable instead of creepy. :)

The whole Haddie and Yo-Yo saga is silly in the way that teenagers always are, but I kind of adore Adam’s reactions to his daughter’s boyfriend. It might possibly remind me of someone I’m related to. :) And I thought they touched on some depth for Haddie when she talked about how it’s always been all about Max. Another thing I liked was this week’s interaction between Kristina and Max’s behavioral aide. I remember reading that Jason Katims actually has an autistic child, and it definitely shows in the realistic way he portrays the struggles the family is going through.

I’m slightly less fond of the parents and Crosby, although they had some great material this week when Crosby broke the news about Jabbar, who, by the way, remains absolutely adorable.

So what’s the problem? Julia.

For one thing, I can’t buy her as a high-powered lawyer AT ALL. She looks like she’s fresh out of law school, if that. And the frazzled career woman role was played much more realistically by Rachel Griffiths on Brothers & Sisters. She was okay when she was giving Crosby advice on his situation, but I just can’t bring myself to care when she gets stomped on every week for being a bad parent (even though she’s usually right), and I really can’t get invested in the whole “stay-at-home husband who cheats” thing, which was also already done on Brothers & Sisters. Hey, maybe Julia can do something illegal and run off to Mexico, and we’ll never have to see her again?


Friday, April 09, 2010

More fun with YouTube

"I don't dance."


Clever Title

Witty recommendation for this youtube video.


Thursday, April 08, 2010

Good show/bad show

It's like good cop/bad cop, but with TV. First, Chuck. Well, that definitely felt like a season finale, didn't it?

Hahaha, I love Chuck being a real spy and leading a tactical assault, only to find out it's completely unnecessary. "And the tank. Uh, cancel the tank."

Sarah totally broke my heart with her "I was a good spy" line. Yvonne does play emotion so well, so finding out she killed Shaw's wife was nicely done. I just wish she hadn't been drugged and helpless for so much of the climax. That bugged me, even though Chuck/Sarah is basically a gender reversal - she's been kickass for three seasons now, while Chuck was more often the one in distress. So I understand that it had to be Chuck who saved the day all by himself, and that the only way it'd be okay for him to kill someone is if it was to save Sarah's life. (But I still like Sarah being awesome!)

Speaking of which, I'm still kind of bothered by Sarah's hypocrisy on the killing thing. She thinks Chuck killed someone and she can't be with him, because he's not the Chuck she knew (he's the Chuck he thought she wanted him to be). Then she finds out he didn't and suddenly it's all okay again. She does realize he's a spy, right? And that sooner or later, he's going to have to kill somebody? That, in fact, at some point their lives might depend on it?

...like, oh, fifteen minutes later with Shaw?

I'd feel better about it if they were playing more subtly, if it was about Sarah's guilt for turning Chuck into a killer, rather than just being morally offended that Chuck might do the same thing she's been doing for five years. And I don't feel like it was resolved at the end, with Sarah suddenly okay with it because he killed someone to save her. It just seems too easy.

Anyway, I'm kind of skipping all over the place. I never realized just how tall Adam Baldwin is until he walked through the door at the Buy More and his head was almost touching the door frame. Has he always been that tall? Have I never noticed?

OMFG is there some kind of law that Mark A. Sheppard must appear in every show I like? I'm kind of getting sick of him. Loved the hostage thing in the elevator, though, lol.

Drunken Guitar Hero and Morgan tied up with the gaming cables! LOL, between this and the cheese ball obsession early in the season, depressed!Chuck is kind of awesome.

General Beckman and Morgan - hee!! First of all, who knew Casey had a soft spot for Morgan? And Morgan as a spy? "I gotta go quit my job!" "Don't do that." I'm curious how they're going to integrate Morgan into Team Bartowski. Part of me thought it was just a way of humoring Morgan, letting him think he's a spy but not letting him near anything actually dangerous, but I have to give Morgan a little credit - I think he'd catch on to that at some point.

Casey giving Chuck a pep talk on the plane, aww. I did like the reminder that Chuck is more than just the Intersect, that he does have his own skills and he's a damn intelligent guy.

But the best part is... SIX MORE EPISODES YOU GUYS!

And now, "how to write really badly," brought to you by last week's Bones.

Holy crap, heavy handed much? I feel like too often this show uses a sledgehammer to get their point across. Did we really need Sweets to talk to a guy who was cured of cancer and then immediately killed? Surely something a little less over the top could've caused Sweets to reevaluate his life. My God, talk about a walking cliche.

I also rolled my eyes heartily at Daisy being cluelessly self-confident and never having been dumped before. She's just a little mini-Brennan, isn't she?

And the whole book plot wasn't really any better, with the ridiculous caricature of a reporter. It's like they have something against nuance. What did nuance ever do to you, Hart Hanson? Did nuance kill your wife and now you're out for revenge or something? (See what I did there?)


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Hopping down the bunny trail

Hope everyone had a good Easter. My parents came to my house this year, in order to avoid a big family gathering of future in-laws at my cousin's house. :) We did some sight-seeing - went to the Cherry Blossom Festival, which was kind of a let-down, and two museums, the Freer Gallery and the Museum of African Art, which were also let-downs. Then we went to Georgetown and ate outside on the waterfront and I got a sunburn.

Anyway, so this was my first time cooking a holiday dinner. I made a couple of my favorite recipes of the ones I've tried, which came out very well. My mom also made her pineapple casserole, which I'd love to give you the recipe for, except she didn't exactly have it written down.

For dessert, I took a risk and tried two new recipes: The Best Chocolate Sheet Cake. Ever. and That's the Best Frosting I've Ever Had. The results? I am reminded of this quote: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

The cake came out decently, and my dad thought it was better than a regular box cake, but my mom and I concluded that it tasted about the same, which in my book usually means it's not worth the effort to do it from scratch. I didn't make the frosting that goes with the cake, which in retrospect was possibly a mistake, but I took both of these recipes from Ree's blog, and when she made the Best Frosting Ever, this is the cake recipe she paired it with.

The frosting came out like crap. It didn't taste terrible - my mom liked that it wasn't too sweet - but it wasn't very good, either. The major problem was the look and texture, though. It did not look like frosting. My mom has no experience making her own frosting, so she couldn't tell me what went wrong, but she was suspicious of the flour in the recipe. I don't know if that's what screwed it up, or if it was that the sugar and butter weren't creamed enough, but the frosting definitely had a clumpy, grainy texture to it, and it didn't spread well at ALL. It was also really watery when I first made it, but I refrigerated it overnight, which made it firmer and somewhat more frosting-like, but still not enough to save it.

I really wanted to go to the store and buy a tub of frosting, but my parents insisted it wasn't that bad and we ate it. They are sometimes too kind. :) We did not, however, ice the entire cake, so I'll be tossing this frosting and using the store-bought stuff for the leftovers, that's for sure.


Monday, April 05, 2010


FINALLY have my pictures from vacation - I don't have a (working) camera, so we took all our pictures on my mother's camera. That meant I had to wait until they came to visit to get my pictures, since she wouldn't have known how to email them even if there weren't way, way too many to email without wrecking my inbox. The complete photo album is here.

We left on Saturday, and this trip started out slightly complicated, since I was flying from DC, my parents were flying from Philadelphia, we wanted to arrive in Ft. Lauderdale at approximately the same time, and I had to use a specific airline, since I was using my airfare credit from when I canceled my trip to San Francisco last year. And yet, somehow, we managed to get there with relatively no trouble. My flight was overbooked AND overweight, so they were actually kicking people off the plane (oddly, the plane was only half full when we took off, so there must have been some serious overpackers for us to be overweight).

We rented a car in Ft. Lauderdale and drove down the Keys to Key West. If you've never been to the Florida Keys, it's basically a 120 mile string of islands, many of them just wide enough for one road. US 1 runs the whole way, which made it kind of hilarious when my mother pulled out a map, as though it were physically possible for us to be lost without driving into the water.

We got to Key West around dinnertime, but since we'd eaten lunch so late, we weren't hungry for dinner and decided to go straight to dessert. My mom and I ordered key lime pie, of course, while my dad ordered this monstrosity known as the "Cookie Monster" from Caroline's on Duval St. And yes, he managed to eat the whole thing (with our help).

We stayed at this adorable bed and breakfast called the Curry Mansion Inn. We got a full breakfast AND happy hour, which was pretty awesome (my parents loooove happy hour, lol).

Sunday turned out to be too cold to go to the beach, so we visited the Hemingway House, where my mother took way too many pictures of the six-toed cats. Afterward, we stopped at Fat Tuesday's for drinks, a bar which I'm told was featured on The Real World, but I can't verify that since I've never watched it. We went to Mallory Square, the hotspot to watch the sunset, where they have all kinds of vendors and street performers - including the famous cats who jump through flaming hoops, which is about the only thing I remember from the last time I was in Key West about 15 years ago.

We ate dinner at a bar called Guy Harvey's, and Toryn Green, the former singer for Fuel, happened to be performing there, so I got pictures and an autographed CD. Then I had to explain to my parents who he was, which was pretty hopeless. :)

Monday was a beach day - we went to Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. The thing about Key West is that the beaches all kind of suck. (This is the other thing I remember from the last time we were there.) Someone explained to us that it's because they have a barrier reef, and you can't have both a barrier reef and good sand. The waves break on the reef and all the broken shells and rocks wash up on the beach. Every beach we went to was really hard, and the shells were so sharp it was painful to walk on, which made it hard to go in the water. Of course, the water was also pretty freakin' cold, so we didn't go in much anyway. Still got plenty of sun, though, and I have the freckles to prove it!

Monday was, of course, my 26th birthday, so we went to a French restaurant/bakery for dinner. This was, hands down, the best meal I had all week. My mother had called the bakery to order a cake, which was also awesome. Check it out - isn't it gorgeous? Anyway, after dinner we went to the bar on the corner of our street and watched Drunk Santa make friends with Drunk Graduate.

Tuesday was cold again - they told us this was an unusually cold winter, and it normally isn't this chilly this time of year - so we stopped by Harry Truman's Little White House and then went to the Shipwreck Museum. That night we did a ghost tour, which was super lame. Apparently, Key West doesn't have many ghosts, so much of the tour was spent taking random pictures of places that have "a lot of energy" to see if we could get orbs in the pictures. We were hoping for good ghost stories not an episode of Ghost Hunters, so we were pretty bored.

It rained on Wednesday, the only rain we had, so we went to this Nascar Simulation place (my dad's a big Nascar fan). My dad drove one of the races, competing against two little kids, a boy and a girl, both under the age of 10. My dad - who has, by the way, driven an actual race car on a real Nascar track - only managed to beat the little girl. It was kind of sad. :) After that, we went to Peppers for our sauce-tasting, and then visited Kermit, whose key lime pie was featured on the Food Network.

We had lunch at the Conch Republic Seafood Company, and then walked around the harbor. By that time, it was starting to clear up, so we decided to go on a dolphin watching cruise. OMG so awesome! We were the only ones to sign up, so we had the entire boat to ourselves. And we saw SOOOO many dolphins! We also saw a great sunset.

Wednesday was also St. Patrick's Day, which is why I am wearing green. :) My parents were a little afraid of the spring breakers, lol, so we stayed in the harbor area for dinner and drinks.

We left Key West on Thursday and drove to Bahia Honda State Park to go to the beach. Proof I went in the water, even though it was coooold.

On our way to Key Largo, we stopped at a little dive called The Wreck and Galley Grille in Marathon, right next to the Dolphin Research Center (that's where I swam with dolphins for the first time). We collectively decided that this was the best key lime pie we had all week - and then, of course, my mother insulted the place by asking the bartender, "Where do you get your key lime pie?" The bartender replied, "Uh, we make it." Oops?

Frday was another beach day, this time at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, which was definitely the worst beach ever. We lasted a couple hours, and then went back to our hotel, which had a little lagoon in the back. My dad made friends with a squirrel, whom he named Rocky and plans to teach to jump through a flaming hoop, so they can have an act in Mallory Square (get it? Rocky the flying squirrel, heh).

That night we went to dinner at a place called Ballyhoo's, and I have to recommend it because they were awesome. The food was great, but even beyond that, our waiter gave us free drinks, an order of crab claws, and key lime pie, AND gave us 50% off our check, because we told him it was my birthday and because we had to wait a little bit for our dinner to come out. Seriously, seriously awesome service.

Saturday we drove back to the airport, with a little detour through Hollywood while my parents picked out their retirement home, lol. As it turned out, we probably shouldn't have spent so much time driving around, since my parents almost missed their flight home. (Oops?) I was fine, since my flight wasn't for another two hours.

Wow, I am kind of exhausted all over again, just from writing that out, lol. And I still want to quit my job and move to Key West. Who's with me?
