Random thoughts

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New computer!! And 24

After a week of angsting about it, I went out this weekend and bought myself a new computer. I've hated the Dell since I bought it (two and a half years ago), and although I very much dislike change, I think I'm going to be happy with my Samsung R480.

Also, I've been a few hours behind for a few weeks now, but I finally managed to catch up and... wow. I know 24 is even more merciless than a Joss Whedon show when it comes to killing characters, but two silent clocks in a row? Damn.

Hassan's death was rather well done, I thought. I have to give them credit, they've gone to the "terrorists use a live internet feed and a hostage" well many times before, but the pre-recorded thing was clever, and seeing Hassan with his throat slit while the recording was still playing? Jesus. I felt as bad as Jack did.

Renee, on the other hand, was sad but predictable - as soon as she and Jack kissed, I thought, "Well, she's dead." (Thank you, Joss Whedon, for ruining that for me forever.) I admit, I didn't feel like their relationship was very well established. The development was okay over the course of the season, but I definitely felt like there was a big leap forward in intimacy between last season and this one, which we didn't get to see and was very conspicuous in its absence. But the other thing is, when she and Jack first kissed, it struck me as odd (but, um, still kind of hot) to see Jack kissing someone, and I realized that for a male action star, Jack hardly ever gets any, y'know, action. And then Renee got shot and I remembered why Jack never gets any. Because anyone he loves always gets kidnapped or killed or both. The man is like relationship kryptonite, seriously. (Has anyone checked on Kim lately?)

Anyway, there is one cool thing that's come out of the last episode. I've never really thought much of the way 24 portrays women - even having a female President, I don't know what it is about her, but I can't stand President Taylor. And don't even get me started on the travesty that is Dana Walsh. But then Dalia Hassan stepped up to the plate, and she just rocks my world, man. I kind of am in love with the idea of her taking her husband's place and seeing his vision through, especially in a Muslim country where hard-liners just assassinated the president for daring to negotiate with the West. Apparently, martyrs' wives taking up leadership is a kink I never knew I had. (Unfortunately, her daughter really kind of sucks. Her lines sound like they were written for a five-year-old character, and they're delivered by a truly terrible actress.)

Ugh, Charles Logan. That guy is so slimy, and I'm tired of him popping up all the time. But OMG when the camera panned over and Reed Diamond was standing there, I literally pumped both fists in the air and said, "Dominiiiiiic!!!" Granted, all he did was get kicked out of a room without saying a word, but it made me grin like an idiot to see him again. Even if he is working for a slimeball.

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