Random thoughts

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I should start drinking coffee...

Well, I'm almost recovered from the weekend (and yes, I realize it's Tuesday). No need to go into my adventures on Friday night (Kelly was scandalized). Despite evidence to the contrary, I really didn't drink all that much, but I only got about 3 hours of sleep, so I was ridiculously tired all weekend. And this after an entire week of saying, "I need a day to just catch up on sleep."

Kelly came to sleep over on Saturday, and I put my "get people addicted to BSG" plan into action. We also watched "Chance" (OMG James Marsters in a dress!) and I finally broke out the Angel DVDs (OMG puppet Angel!), which I've owned almost a year and still hadn't watched.

Anyway, today is Dr. Horrible Day! So go watch it. Now. I'll wait. (I don't have comments on it because I can't watch in work. Rest assured I will be singing through my lunch break.)

Okay, so, in other exciting news, Kristen Bell is definitely returning to Heroes. Yay! Love her.

The Mole was back last night and I was completely proven wrong when Alex got executed. I kinda had a suspicion when he was the only one to earn money in the bungee jumping game (which would have been really easy to sabotage without being noticed), but I still physically flinched when he got the red screen. I'm undecided as to who my next suspect is. I'm thinking I might go with Clay, since he was on my list until he got in a fight with Paul. But then again, it's hard NOT to get in a fight with Paul. I'm still going on the assumption that the super-obnoxious people (Paul and Nicole) can't be the mole, because they draw too much attention to themselves, but maybe Clay finally got into it with Paul to make people think he wasn't the mole for that very reason. I'm definitely ruling out Craig, because of his almost dying, and also Mark because you just can't fake that much neurosis (or if you can, he's the best actor ever). I have a suspicion that bitchy Nicole is gonna win the whole thing... unless she's the mole.

Uh, let's see... I also started watching My Boys yesterday. It's decent, although not on par with the other comedies I watch (How I Met Your Mother and The Office). Definitely a summer show, because if I had a full schedule, I don't think I'd waste my time on it. I've still got two more discs of season 1. Next up I think will be Arrested Development.

This is a really nice, nostalgic article about Billy Joel. I think he was my first real musical interest, so listening to his songs is like remembering my childhood. Both my parents were fans - my first experience was listening to their old records of Songs in the Attic and The Stranger. Not to mention that I stuck with playing the piano as a kid mostly so I could learn to play Billy Joel songs.

And finally, this may seem a bit hypocritical in a post where I talk about The Mole, but you all know my general position on reality shows. And seriously, one isn't bad. One hundred seventy-two new reality shows, on the other hand, is what's wrong with television in this country. The mind boggles.

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