Random thoughts

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

My cat is psychotic

Chelsea broke the blinds last night. She spotted a bug on the ceiling, and rather than sit on the floor staring up and whining ineffectually like she usually does, she attempted to climb her way to the ceiling to get it. She jumped from the back of the sofa onto the window and clung to the blinds for a second before falling down, almost taking the lamp with her. She’s completely nutso.

Also, she keeps tipping her water bowl. I thought getting the new, heavier, no-sliding bowl would help, but she’s tipping that one, too. So last night, I pulled out the heaviest bowl I could find and put that there, and she STILL spilled water all over the floor. I don’t know what to do, other than glue the damn thing to the floor. I think she tips them – sticks her paw in and tips the bowl sideways until the water sloshes out. I’ve seen her try to do that a couple times. The bowls are usually upright when I check them, but there’s way too much water for her to just be splashing it around.

Anyway, lots of fun stuff today. First, a write-up with some awesome pictures for Dr. Horrible. I'm so in love with this already, and I haven't even seen it. Also Joss-related, an article about the Buffy comics and Buffy's visit to the future.

Apparently, Jane Espenson will be writing the BSG movie that as of yet no one is starring in. And EJO is directing - cool beans.

And finally, why David Tennant is the awesomest person ever.

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