Random thoughts

Monday, July 07, 2008


Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. I'm still recovering. I got to see fireworks on Thursday (after the Senator's game) from my window. This was Chelsea's first fireworks experience, and it was pretty adorable. She kept jumping up against the window like she thought she could catch them. More exciting than the bugs, I imagine.

Anyway, Friday I pretty much hung around the house, in case Teresa needed to call me in, until I got the message from her saying "It's over!!!" around 5pm. I watched fireworks again from my window, and then met Jade and this guy from the Obama campaign at McGrath's. When I got there, Jade was already engaged in heated discussion with these two couples who were like, in their 40s. Apparently, the one guy was a Republican, and Jade felt the need to fix that. The other guy was like, "I've been working on him for years, he won't change his mind," but she tried anyway.

As they were leaving, the non-Republican guy pointed out to Alan (the Obama guy) that he was there with two pretty girls (and gave me some lecherous old man compliments... who uses the word "bosom" anyway?) and suggested that he make that work for him. I think this may have impacted how the night ended.

Anyway, after McGrath's, we went to Zembie's, and met another friend of Jade's (who also said I was pretty, and not in a creepy way!). He was 20 and trying to impress us with his ability to get served without being carded, yet not actually ordering any drinks. Poser.

Next stop was Ceolta's, which had a really awesome cover band. At first, we were like, "That's weird... they have one guitarist and two bassists," until we realized that only one guy was actually playing. The other one was completely wasted and just acting like an idiot. But the one who was good was very good, and impressed us all by playing the bass with a beer bottle. (He also did the Jimi Hendrix Star Spangled Banner, as it was the 4th of July.)

Jade left with some guy, leaving Alan and me to close the place down. Then, Alan walked me home, which was nice of him, though probably not entirely selfless on his part. See, there's like, 4 doors to get to my apartment - an outside door, two hallway doors, an elevator, and then my apartment. So, we get to the first door, and I'm like, "okay..." and he keeps following me, all the way to the elevator. And I'm like, "Uh... this is the point at which you need my key to get out." And he totally didn't get it, and was all, "Okay," and just kept hanging out there. So, the elevator comes, and I'm like, "Here, let me let you out before I go up." And then he finally got it.

Saturday was mostly a recovery day, although there were fireworks again. Sunday was a new adventure. I took Chelsea to PetSmart to get her nails clipped. It was a fight, as usual, to get her into the carrier, although I think I've got a system now. She was very well-behaved during the trimming (why is she so much better with other people, but gives me a hard time??), but she made the loudest noises I'd ever heard her make once she was back in the carrier and we were shopping. I bought her a new water bowl, since she's been tipping the other ones. This time, I got one of those watering systems with the water jug that looks like a miniature version of the water cooler in work. I'm all, "HA! Let's see you tip that sucker over!" So far, she hasn't.

Oh, man. I still have Sunday adventures to talk about, but I'm meeting Andrew for lunch, so it'll have to wait....

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At July 7, 2008 at 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kind of sounds like the creepy old guy who we couldn't get rid of at this one bar. but he was like, 70. ick.


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