Random thoughts

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Happy Tuesday

The week feels so much nicer when it starts on Tuesday instead of Monday. I'm advocating that we should make Monday into a permanent three-day weekend. Also, three cheers for whoever decided state workers should get Columbus Day off.

I spent the weekend at my parents' house, as I may have mentioned in the midst of my car rant. I am now the proud owner of a (salvaged) 1999 Chevy Malibu. Yes, it is the same car I've been driving for the past 2 years, but now the title and the registration are in my name. I have a new set of license plates (which I'll probably give back before I even get the chance to memorize them), and my VIN has been validated (shout-out to Barlow Chevrolet). Sometime this week, I will hopefully be getting my PA drivers license (cross your fingers that it goes without incident - I really don't want to take the test again) and my new insurance policy. Then, all that's left is registration (again) and inspection (again).

In other news, or well, just news, this really pisses me off. I'm tired of hearing the argument, "Well, they can just go to the emergency room," to justify not providing health insurance. An emergency room is NOT health care. Do you not understand the meaning of the word "emergency"? It means you shouldn't have to go there every time you get a cold. That's what private family practices are for. But you can't go to the doctor without insurance.

Seriously? This is what our political discussion has boiled down to? I think the craziest part of this story is that it started on The Daily Show, and got picked up by real news programs. I mean, I'm all for the news taking cues from Jon Stewart, when he addresses the issues mainstream media wants to ignore, but come on, people. You gotta know when it's a JOKE.

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