Random thoughts

Monday, October 01, 2007

Fall Premieres, part... uh, I've stopped keeping track

Good Lord, I think I've reached my limit. I'm starting to get TV fatigue here. Too... many... new... shows. *flops over dead*

Okay, so Friday was Moonlight. All I have to say about that one is, well, I'm impressed by how much they managed to rip off Angel without being sued. Love this quote from the Daily News:
The new CBS series "Moonlight" doesn't get any points for originality, but it sure gets some for brazenness. Its elements are so shamelessly copied, the whole show should be sponsored by Xerox.
I mean, I was skeptical when I heard "vampire detective living in L.A. who saves people and is in love with a human woman." But damn, they even dressed him like Angel. And the "human woman" looks remarkably like Elisabeth Rohm, and even has a similar personality - she's a reporter instead of a cop, but she does the same sort of supernatural investigating that has her crossing paths with Mick St. John. (*cough* Could you BE more Irish? And who else was Irish? Oh, that's right. Angel. (I am forever scarred by his hideous Irish brogue.)) There's also, of course, the requisite lover who turned Mick into a vampire (Darla, anyone?), and he even SET HER ON FIRE! (He did not, however, lock her in a room with a bunch of lawyers, but it's only the first episode.)

I do love Jason Dohring, but he seems pretty much wasted in this show. I was so looking forward to him as a vampire, but honestly, I think he was more evil playing Logan Echolls. Plus, the dialogue is so stilted that he sounds ridiculous saying it. It's almost like he knows the show sucks (no pun intended) and he's just reciting the lines as quickly as he can so he can go audition for a better job.

The one thing that really bothered me, surprisingly, is the way they tried to make themselves original - sunlight is annoying but not apparently lethal in this mythology. Well, fine, be different if you want to, but personally, I think it takes away some of the mystique of the vampire. He's not really a creature of the night if he can walk through broad daylight. (The one obviously deliberate shot of Jason Dohring in a ray of sunlight totally made me roll my eyes.) Granted, Angel and Spike ran around in the sun at times, but at least they made an effort to hide under a blanket or something, and they started to smolder if they stayed out too long.

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