Random thoughts

Monday, July 21, 2008

I think this is what pain feels like!

Well, it's all about Dr. Horrible today. I hope you watched Act III this weekend, otherwise you'll have to buy it from iTunes. But who are we kidding? I'm gonna buy the DVD anyway. And the CD, even though some wonderful person on LiveJournal posted all the songs for download.

So, I'd be curious to hear people's thoughts. Without totally spoiling the ending, I was completely shocked... and then realized I shouldn't be, because this is Joss, and that is what he does. Suffice to say, it takes a turn for the serious. I was taken in by the singing and the silliness (there are songs about LAUNDRY, for crying out loud - how angsty could it be?), and I forgot who we were dealing with. But the more I watch it, the more awesome I think it is. (I'm really, really, restraining myself from making a "legendary" joke. I hope you all appreciate that.) Dr. Horrible's creepy "Slipping" is pure Sondheim, and Act III is worth it just for that. And of course, I've had various songs from the show running through my head all weekend.

Anyway, if you haven't seen it yet, I recommend shelling out the $4 on iTunes. I'll pay you back if you don't like it. Also, check out this interview with Neil Patrick Harris, who is my new TV boyfriend.

Now, on to NPH's day job - lots of news about HIMYM in this article. Apparently, Barney's Bro Code is being published, and Sarah Chalke will be back for four episodes. Also, more Barney/Robin! OMG!

Quick updates on other things - BSG will be back in January (yay!) and the Office spin-off is shaping up to be less of a spin-off and more of, well, a completely different, unrelated show. Whatever.

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