Random thoughts

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Everyone's a hero in their own way...

You, and you, and... mostly me, and you!

Seriously, people. Not. Getting. Old. (Well, not for me, anyway...)

I swear, last Dr. Horrible article. I promise. Until the next one.

Also, more HIMYM scoop. I think Dr. Horrible has made me even more excited for this to come back, because, as I've mentioned before, NPH rocks my world.

Oh, so did I mention I went to see Mamma Mia on Friday night? Christi and I went out for clichéd Mexican food and clichéd movie night, where I regaled her with my most recent adventures in dodging creepy guys. :)

So, I saw Mamma Mia years ago, when it first opened on Broadway, and it's a manic, cheesy, makes-you-feel-like-you-just-did-a-lot-of-drugs kind of show. And OMG, that feeling is, like, magnified by 10 watching the movie. It was fun as a play, but it might be a little too out there to work well on screen. In any case, I was again impressed by the singing voices of famous people (apparently, Meryl Streep has had opera training?), and awesome, Amanda Seyfried from VM was the daughter! I didn't even know she was in it until I was looking up show times and saw her in the ad. Holy crap, Pierce Brosnan got old, but Meryl Streep did a good job acting like she was 20 years younger than she actually is.

You wanna know what's super disturbing, though? The chorus. Seriously. I don't know, maybe it works better on stage, but these random Greek people would pop up in the most inappropriate places to sing the chorus parts, and I kept looking at Christi and going, "OMG, that's creepy!"

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