Random thoughts

Friday, February 22, 2008

Where's my 2 hour delay?

Bummer. All that snow last night, and no two hour delay. But hey, if all goes well, I'll be leaving early today so I can catch a 4:30 train to good old New Jersey. I'm going to NYC this weekend to see The Farnsworth Invention, a play by Aaron Sorkin, starring Hank Azaria. Apparently, it's not that good, since it's closing in a week, but you know how I love all things Aaron Sorkin.

Heads up - How I Met Your Mother is moving to 8:30 on Mondays when it returns. I don't know whether that makes it more or less likely to be renewed. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it performs in the new time slot.

I'm really surprised this is the first time I've seen someone compare this year's Presidential election with the last season of The West Wing. I thought it was kinda obvious. There are fundamental details that make for significant differences, but does this sound at all familiar? Republican party unified around a really old experienced centrist candidate. Democratic party split between establishment candidate and young rising star, leading to no clear nominee in the primaries and chaos at the national convention (okay, that last part is just speculation).

On the subject of Obama, I just saw this op-ed by Karl Rove. Now, ordinarily, I wouldn't give consideration to anything he says, because he's evil and slimy and did I mention evil? But he's also one of the smartest men in the Republican party, and the mastermind behind all the Republican election successes of the past decade, and I can guarantee that he will be heavily involved in the negative campaign against whoever the Democratic candidate is. So maybe it's worth paying attention, because if Obama is the candidate, I bet this is the strategy they will use to tear him down. As this op-ed (which happens to explain quite well my reservations about Obama) points out, Clinton is a known quantity - I find it hard to believe there's anything the Republicans could use against her that they haven't already tried. Obama's a blank slate, just waiting for the GOP to define him. And they will.

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