Random thoughts

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thank goodness tomorrow's payday.

Wow, it's been wicked busy in work lately. I think the House and the Senate teamed up and said, "How can we drive PDE absolutely crazy?" and decided to schedule FOUR hearings on the same day. One of which (mine, of course) lasted three and a half hours. Gah! And I had to sit and take notes and stay awake the whole time.

I haven't been posting as frequently as I used to... mainly because the new job requires me to do more actual work than the last one, so I don't have as much time to surf the web during business hours. But here's some fun/weird news from the past few days:

Aaron Sorkin is writing the script for a Flaming Lips musical. Okay, let's pick out how many things are wrong with that sentence...

Apparently, you may no longer be allowed to boo at sporting events. Just as long as they don't ban throwing snowballs at Santa Claus (and the opposing team, of course), Philly fans should be okay.

Wise advice from Senator Jim Webb (D-VA): When entering buildings with high security, always hand your firearm to your aide.

Is there anything Google can't do? Now you can figure out where you'd end up if you dug a hole straight through to the other side of the world.

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At March 31, 2007 at 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooh, i'd end up in the ocean near perth, australia. now seeing as how i can't quite dig in a straight line, maybe i'd actually end up in australia. grab a shovel and let's go!


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