Random thoughts

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nice weather

It's been snowing all day today, which is really bizarre, because just yesterday it was 60 degrees in DC. And I have to go to the store to get food-type ingredients to make a dish for our office holiday party on Thursday. I'm falling so behind on the Christmas thing. I've gotten some cards out, but the rest will probably be mailed in January. I'm about half done my Christmas shopping (thank goodness for the internet), but nothing's wrapped and I don't have any ideas for the half I haven't bought yet. Oh, and I was going to make cookies at some point. That's probably not going to happen.

I do think my interview went well. At least I didn't say anything egregiously stupid, so there's that. I'm not getting excited or anything, because my mother is all, "It's really unlikely that you'll get the first job you apply for." (I'm like, "But... I've never not gotten anything I applied for." Except that Specter internship, which still kind of annoys me. Bipartisanship, my ass.) ...Where was I? Right. Not getting my hopes up. If I get it, yay. If not, that's okay, too. Might even be for the best, since they want the person to start January 5th, which would mean total upheaval of my life at the busiest time of the year, with probably about a week to quit my job (so much for two weeks notice), pack everything I own, find an apartment (while still paying two months of rent on my old apartment, since my lease isn't up until February) and move. Whee!

Anyway, let's move on to political news. I've been trying really, really hard not to laugh at the Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at Bush, but I can't help it. It's a little bit funny. The Secret Service response time, on the other hand? No laughing matter.

Obama has announced his pick for Secretary of Education. He should be receiving my resume shortly.

Caroline Kennedy says she wants the Senate seat that everyone else is already willing to give her.

And finally, cars that run on coffee?

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At December 17, 2008 at 2:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you may be getting a christmas card from me...that is if i remember to get stamps and mail it in time.
i think i've given up on christmas. i'm making some gifts, but i haven't been shopping at all. i have small, dumb things for my mom and one brother, so i guess that means i have to buy something for my dad and other brother.
i feel very "bah humbug" this year. about christmas and life in general. did i tell you about stupid boys when i went to visit you? otherwise, i can tell you about it when i'm in jersey.

At December 17, 2008 at 2:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, i hope you did well on the interview. i've had 2 recent interviews i thought i did well on, but no job. grr. and the one stupid lady was all "oh, your resume is impressive, you have a lot of experience....but we've gone with someone else. you should have no trouble finding a job"
also, that was in a voicemail. so i hope you have at least gotten more professional rejections than i have. another one was on a postcard. yeah, that's nice. put that rejection out there for everyone to see.

so i know how you feel about applying for a billion things and not getting anything.

At December 17, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Woo! I just mailed your Christmas card yesterday, so it might actually get to you before Christmas this year. I would like to be bah humbug, but instead I'm being super crazy overwhelmed. I'm sort of at a standstill with the presents, because everyone I haven't bought for yet, I have NO IDEA what to get them.

Sorry to hear about the job search woes. Sending a rejection on a postcard is seriously crappy.


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