Random thoughts

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's 4pm on a Friday

...and it's snowing. Who's doing work, honestly?

I'll spare you the politics, even though I have three days of newspaper reading, and just give you the fun stuff.

This may very well explode my geeky brain: Tricia Helfer (from BSG) guest-starring on Chuck. Eeee!!!

Kiefer Sutherland points out how ridiculous it is to think that people actually elected a black President because of 24. And, of course, more on the 24 movie. Plus, why the name changed from Exile to Redemption: "Somebody at Fox didn't like it." Ha.

Here's the second half of that Christian Kane interview I posted a while ago.

And finally, I haven't really spent much time on Heroes since I stopped watching the show, but I couldn't resist commenting on these two things. First, I saw this quote from a recap of a recent episode: "Why does Sylar get to be the new force of great justice in this show, while Hiro is consigned to the role of cutey clown?" Uh... because Sylar is awesome and Hiro is unbelievably not? I don't understand why people are getting so worked up about Hiro being a 10-year-old. (No, I have no idea how that happened, and I don't care.) He's always acted like a pre-pubescent idiot, so really, what's the difference?

And second, wow. If I hadn't already lost interest, this would have been the final nail in the coffin. In fact, Tim Kring pissed me off so much that I almost wish I were still watching just so I could quit in protest.

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