Random thoughts

Friday, November 21, 2008

Open to suggestions

Or I might just carve a dent in a block of cement.

We started with a regular plastic bowl that was always meant to be temporary. Then we went to plastic bowl with rubber no-slip bottom, which I discovered is only helpful if your cat swats at the bowl, but doesn't prevent sticking her whole paw in the bowl and flipping it sideways.

Then we moved up to this, which I thought surely she couldn't knock over. It weighs over 2 lbs. when full! Foolish assumption.

Next was this, which is what my parents use for Patches. I was hesitant about the ceramic, because if she breaks it, then we'll have bloody kitty paws from walking around in the broken pieces. But it's heavy and has the no-slide grip thing on the bottom, so I thought surely, surely it would work. Flipped completely upside down, landed a foot away from where I left it. But at least it didn't break...

Next step: filling the sink up with water.



At November 21, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

There's a self-refilling water thingy that we have that's got a better center of gravity, so it's not as easily-knock-overable.


We've never had this thing knocked over - when full, it should stay up. Also, try this - put it into a tub of some kind, like a kitty litter pan (without the litter, of course).


At November 21, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Blogger Laura said...

That does look a lot like water bowl #3, but the design might be sturdier. I swear, by the time I'm done, I'll have spent a fortune in PetSmart, and I'll have a whole collection of unusable water bowls.

The tub thing is a good idea, but I barely found space in my apartment for the actual litter box without tripping over it, so I'd probably have to find something smaller than a litter pan.

At November 21, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what about something like this?

i can't seem to find a dish i saw before in petsmart- the bottom of it flared out, which looked more difficult to tip at least.

At November 22, 2008 at 2:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hmm... I was kind of afraid to use the double bowl, because if she tips it, then we're wasting both food and water...

My mom said she found Fuzz's old bowl in the basement. Fuzz was my parents' German shepherd, so there's no way she can tip that sucker over. She could probably take a bath in it, lol.


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