Random thoughts

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What a day

Well, Chelsea’s sleeping in bed with me now… except she’s decided that it’s HER bed and so she gets to lay in the middle, and I have to sleep off to one side, which usually ends up with me accidentally rolling over on her. She likes to play for a couple hours after I go to bed, so I got smart and started taking away the toys with bells at night, so she can’t make noise.

We’ve already lost two mousies, one of which ended up so far under the refrigerator, I couldn’t even see it with a flashlight. (That was about 10 minutes after I gave it to her.) Chelsea was very adamant I get it out, but I couldn’t find it. No idea what happened to the other one.

In other news, I desperately want to see Recount, the Danny Strong (yep, that'd be Jonathan from Buffy) TV movie about the 2000 election. It aired on HBO this weekend, which I don't get, and I wanna know when it'll be on DVD so I can watch it.

Also, props to Scott McClellan for his new book, which has the longest title ever (the short version is "What Happened"). I cannot tell you how badly I felt for this guy while he was standing up there doing Bush's spin. He looked unbearably uncomfortable, and it was so painfully obvious that the words coming out of his mouth were utter bullshit, but there wasn't a thing he could do about it. Considering the way he was pushed out of his job, I guess this kind of thing was to be expected, but I really have to laugh at the Bush staffers calling him disgruntled. As though he's saying anything the public doesn't already know or suspect about the administration.

And, apropos of nothing, Kristen Bell is a Red Wings fan.

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At May 29, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome to life with a cat. Just wait until the cat decides that anytime is a good time for them to run their heads against your hands or legs... especially when you're walking up and down stairs. My female cat owns our bed...


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