Random thoughts

Thursday, April 10, 2008

So sleepy...

I don't know what's going on. I go to bed early (I can't even remember the last time I stayed up to watch The Daily Show. Oh, Jon Stewart, how I miss you!), I get up at a reasonable hour (7:45ish, depending on snooze button usage), and yet I'm still ridiculously tired in the morning. I guess part of it is my annoying habit of waking up a lot - every morning at 5am, it's like clockwork - and then going back to sleep. Whatever the case, I'm starting to feel like an old lady.

Also, I ate an orange for breakfast, and yet I'm still hungry. Troubling. (But at least my hands smell nice.)

Anyway, The Office returns tonight! Yay! Apparently, something big is in the works for Jim and Pam. Also, possibilities for the Office spin-off include Ed Helms (Andy) or Lauren Graham (!).

Interesting casting info for How I Met Your Mother - Alan Thicke (Growing Pains) will play Robin's father in the Robin Sparkles episode.

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