Random thoughts

Saturday, April 05, 2008

I think my toaster's a Cylon

You may think I'm just overexcited about Battlestar Galactica, but I'm serious - my toaster oven has a mind of its own.

It won't stop toasting.

It's the strangest thing... even when the "start toast" button isn't pushed, it toasts. Even when it's set on the lowest toast setting, it doesn't stop automatically, the way it's supposed to. Heck, even when it's on the "oven" setting, it still toasts! It won't stop toasting EVEN WHEN IT'S UNPLUGGED!

No, just kidding.

But seriously, the only way to get it to STOP toasting (other than unplugging it) is to leave the door open - as soon as you close it, whether it's turned on or off, the toaster heats up. Crazy shit, man.

Methinks it's time for a new toaster oven, before this one rebels and attacks me. (It's totally a Cylon.)

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At April 6, 2008 at 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it's just over-enthusiastic about toasting?

At April 8, 2008 at 5:04 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Maybe... I just wish it would be enthusiastic about other things... like baking, and timer-toasting, and not setting my apartment on fire...


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