Random thoughts

Monday, March 31, 2008

Almost quitting time

Did y'all have a nice weekend? Good, 'cause mine sucked. Mostly because I twisted my foot on Saturday morning. It was entirely me being dumb, and if I hadn't been home Friday night with an upset stomach, I wouldn't blame you for thinking I was drunk and tripped over myself. Which I kinda did, except for the drunk part. My foot was asleep, like really, really asleep, like I could step on my own toes and not even notice because my foot was so numb. But I decided to walk on it anyway, and made it about three steps before my foot bent completely in the wrong direction and something went snap crackle pop. To be followed by me immediately falling on the floor, only to have to hop to the bathroom so I could dry heave in the toilet (see aforementioned upset stomach.)

It's pretty much fine now, after a couple days of ice and not moving from the sofa. Okay, a day and a half, because by Sunday afternoon I was not only stir-crazy, but I also had serious grocery shopping and laundry to do, and not even my shuffle-hop was gonna stop me. I did have a nice black-and-blue bump for a while, but I can walk on it now with only a little twingy pain.

Sidebar: I think Blink may be my new favorite episode of Doctor Who, although I'm now adding statues to my list of irrational fears, right below clowns and fish. Seriously creepy, yo. That has nothing to do with anything, but I watched it for like the third time on Saturday while I was sacked out on the couch.

Anyway, just a few links with absolutely no connection to one another:

First, the Presidential candidates' proposals for how to deal with the mortgage crisis reveal what kind of President they will be. Or something like that.

Also, a list of the top 43 moments on Battlestar Galactica. Definitely contains spoilers, but you should be watching it anyway! (Marathon on Sci-Fi Channel going on RIGHT NOW.)

And finally, my favorite reality show (okay, the only one I actually watched), The Mole, is coming back. Minus host Anderson Cooper, but hopefully also without the celebrity cast. This was one of the few reality shows where the premise was engaging, the challenges were difficult, and the contestants were actually intelligent and cared about winning the game rather than becoming a reality TV personality.

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At March 31, 2008 at 11:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw, hope your foot feels better! sounds painful.

wait, you have an irrational fear of fish and we went to the aquarium? or is it only fish in the ocean kind of thing?
i've discovered that my fear of spiders is completely irrational, after attempting to do some tarantula handling and i can't pinpoint why i'm so freaked out by them. it's not all the legs, because millipedes are totally fine.
oh well.

At April 1, 2008 at 10:00 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Heh, no, aquariums are fine. My fear is only of being in the water with them. My parents think I'm ridiculous because I'll swim with a 500 lb. dolphin, but I won't go snorkeling with the little fishes.

And I have a fear of spiders, too, but I don't consider that irrational. They are completely creepy.


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