Random thoughts

Monday, March 17, 2008

Wear green today

Happy St. Patrick's Day! There are bagpipers outside Tara Station (the most un-Irish sounding Irish bar in town), and we can see/hear them from our office. One-sixteenth of me is celebrating.

The rest of me is pretty much exhausted from celebrating my birthday. After going out with Lindsay on Thursday night, and going to happy hour with people from work on Friday, I went out with Christi and some med school people on Friday night. Way to make me feel OLD. They're all still on a college schedule, where you go OUT at 11pm, rather than going to BED. They kept me out until 2:30, did birthday shots at The Quarter and then went dancing at Hardware, which is this semi-sketchy club that reminds me of nothing so much as the basement of Delta, except Delta never had waitresses who danced Coyote Ugly-style on top of the bar. I'd just like to go on record stating that I DID NOT dance in the cage. Christi and Diana and Alexis did, but in the event I ever run for office, I'd like to have as few incriminating pictures out there as possible.

So, naturally, I spent most of my actual birthday sleeping in and recovering. I did manage to do some shopping and bought "happy birthday to me" presents.

Happy birthday phase 2 starts on Friday, when my parents come to visit. Whee!

Unrelated, but has anyone else noticed there's an economic crisis going on? Apparently, the President hasn't.

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At March 19, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Wow, someone's reading this other than my friends! Awesome. Glad you're enjoying it.


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