Random thoughts

Monday, March 10, 2008

Manic Monday

Oh, man. I just had a great memory of my fake aunts and cousins singing that song at karaoke on one of our vacations. I think it might have been Myrtle Beach.

Anyway, raise your hand if you had a good weekend. I was actually very productive - washed about a billion dishes, cleaned the bathroom, bought Colleen's wedding present, got my car washed, got my hair cut, and went grocery shopping. Wait a minute... none of that was fun. WTF? And I didn't even get to vacuuming and laundry, which I have to do tonight. I guess I've officially become a grown up, when my weekend consists of nothing but cleaning and errands.

I was also super-pissed when I woke up on Sunday morning and realized it was an hour later than it should've been. Damn you, Daylight Saving Time! I like the whole "fall back" thing, where I get an extra hour. Not so much on this "spring forward" crap. Do I look like I have an hour to spare?

Oh, I did spend some time rewatching season 1 of Veronica Mars. I'd forgotten just how much I love that show, and season 1 is by far the best season. Like, Buffy-level awesomeness.

Official countdown: 5 days till my birthday! I'll probably be sharing my day with all kinds of rowdy St. Patrick's Day celebrations, but that's okay, I guess. My parents were going to come up to visit, but I'm going home the weekend after that for Easter, so maybe not. (I happened to be in Bryn Mawr on Thursday, so I met my mom for lunch, and I said, "You know, since I'm seeing you today, and I'll be coming home in two weeks, maybe you don't need to come visit me next weekend." And she was like, "What? Did I hit my quota?" I think she was kinda sad, actually.)

Political update from Gail Collins, who I'm finding has a knack for tongue-in-cheek humor. Love her take on James Buchanan.

Randomness for today: China is cracking down on government-sponsored alcoholic lunches. *sigh* End of an era.

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At March 11, 2008 at 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i kept meaning to ask what you wanted for your birthday. and now it's this week. but i probably won't see you for a while, so delayed birthday gifts?

and aw @ your mom. i think my parents have only visited me like, once, other than to move me in/out. and that was because they had never seen the zoo, or what i did, and i thought i would be leaving it.

-megan (sorry if this posts a few times, but it doesn't seem to be working on my end)

At March 11, 2008 at 10:09 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Oh man. What do I want for my birthday? Hmmm. I don't know, I'll have to think about it.

Ooh, and I'm planning to go home April 11-13 and 18-20 (for a First Communion and a bridal shower), so if you're home those weekends, let me know!

At March 12, 2008 at 10:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was thinking about going home for the 11-13 weekend, since my mom's birthday is the 12th. i definitely won't be home the weekend after that, since the 19th is earth day at the zoo- so i can't bail on that since i'm helping to plan it.

At March 13, 2008 at 10:37 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Ooh, if you decide to come home, we should do something. I'll only be busy on Sunday afternoon, I think.


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