Random thoughts

Friday, March 07, 2008

More political crap

I'm sure you're tired of it by now, but SIX WEEKS OF PA!!!! Y'all are gonna hate me. Ben (or as my mother calls him, "the guy with the good handshake") took a leave of absence to do field ops for Hillary, so I'll probably be calling him up to volunteer or do fundraisers or something.

Here's some funny stuff on the crazy shit that goes on in the Texas primaucus, among other things. Also, everyone's been talking about math these days, counting delegates and wondering whether Hillary can net enough to win. But here's some other interesting math related to Obama's chances in the general election. I think it's slightly disingenuous, because you have to assume that some states that Hillary won, any Democrat would win (like California and New York), yet they're not included in Obama's totals. But it's must-win swing states like Ohio and Pennsylvania and Florida that we really need to consider, and Hillary is looking stronger in all of those.

Considering the number-crunching going on, lots of Democrats are looking back at those illegal primaries in Michigan and Florida, and wondering what the heck to do about them now. With a race as closely contested as this one, I can't imagine discounting two entire states (even if one of them is Florida, perennial voting fuck-up). They have to do something. I doubt they'll award the delegates according to the illegal primary votes, but Obama's "let's just split them 50-50" suggestion is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If you're not going to let them actually make a decision who to vote for, why bother seating the delegates at all? I think they should force the states to hold new primaries. Yes, it's expensive, but you know what? The state party screwed themselves by breaking the rules and moving the primary up in the first place. Make them pay for the second election, and I guarantee you not a single state will break the rules next time.



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