Random thoughts

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

#1 reason why I need a boyfriend

I need a man around to open my jars!

That's not a euphemism - I can't tell you how much of my lunch hour today was spent wrestling with a pickle jar. And remember the jar of spaghetti sauce that I had to throw out, because I couldn't get the lid off? Granted, I'm not exactly exceptional in upper-body strength, but I shouldn't need to work out in order to get a freakin' jar open!!

Anyway, more political stuff, to celebrate Hillary being in town! (I watched the rally live on PCN today - it'll be on again at 8pm if anyone wants to watch. We watched it in the office, and mostly made fun of CBK, who was wandering around like an Alzheimer's patient who had no idea how she'd gotten there... which actually may not be far from the truth.) The governors of my current and former states got together to write an op-ed about the superdelegates. And although Gov. Ed would prefer Hillary for Prez, he says that an Obama/Clinton ticket would be okay, too. Honestly, I think that's the best way to unite the party - whichever one wins, the other ought to be VP. It may be a bitter pill to swallow, but they better do it if they want a Democrat to win.

Also, an article comparing this election with 1972. That's the one where the Republican candidate (Nixon) won 49 states, so I'd really like to avoid fitting that mold. It does seem like the Democrats do their damnedest to lose sometimes. Makes me crazy. If it weren't for my morals, I'd probably become a Republican.

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At March 12, 2008 at 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

boys are also good for repairing vacuum cleaners, and fixing the copier when somehow you got 4 pieces of paper jammed into the part that spits the paper out. oops.

At March 13, 2008 at 10:35 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Haha, awesome. I've broken my share of copiers. Usually I just run away and pretend it was someone else...


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