Random thoughts

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Articles of interest

A few things from the Times and the Post:

First - article on dreams! Nightmares, actually. Perhaps it can shed some light on my Office/Pippin/hypnosis weirdness. Fun fact - I didn't realize that you were paralyzed during REM sleep! That's kinda freaky.

The NFL is playing in London? Why didn't I know about this? This seems like the weirdest experiment ever. I mean, they already have a football - what will they call it? If I were the players, I'd be annoyed - not only do BOTH teams lose the home field advantage, they have to schlep all the way across the Atlantic for the game and play on a field not designed for football. I imagine this will also piss off fans of the two teams playing, since they obviously can't go to the game. And with the 5-hour time difference, will they be watching it on TV at, like, 8 in the morning? Or will the game be played at night in London, so that it's at it's regularly scheduled time in the U.S.? Seems complicated, and I don't really think it'll catch on. One game, maybe, for the novelty. But regularly? I can't really see Brits (or any other country) getting all excited about random teams that come over a few times a year for a single game. How do you choose who to root for?

Political fun for the day - Joe Trippi's influence on John Edwards' campaign. Hey, anyone else remember when Joe Trippi spoke on campus? Or do I only remember that because I helped organize it and went to the lecture, and talked to the guy afterwards at the reception? He's pretty nice, although at the time he was still pretty bitter about Dean (not just the self-destruction - they had a bit of a falling out before that, and I don't think Trippi was even working for Dean by the end). He told good campaign stories, though; I wish I remembered some. He's also a major Diet Coke addict.

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