Random thoughts

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

TV Round-up

Bones last night was hilarious. LOVE the joint therapy: Booth calling the poor kid - I mean therapist - "Sweets" is awesome (even if it IS his last name), and it's adorable how terrified he is of his patients. And he's, like, 12: "Dude, you, like, arrested her father." That teaser made me laugh out loud.

Also hilarious: Hodgins getting excited about the compost pile, Angela being intimidating, and Booth interpreting Brennan's alligator story as saying he has a small penis. And, oh my God, the previews for next week - Brennan as Wonder Woman. Cam as Catwoman. O.M.G.

The Damages season finale was also made of awesome last night - if you haven't watched the show, you should. It hasn't been renewed for a second season yet, and it totally deserves it. Glenn Close, people!

Pushing Daisies - which I am still watching, and yes, it is still quirky - has gotten a full-season order.

Has anyone bought the Veronica Mars season 3 DVD yet? I'd probably buy it anyway (if only for completion of my collection), but I'm super-curious about the season 4 pitch. I think this quote from the article sums it up: "There was going to be a world where Veronica Mars was issued a sidearm, and the CW network didn't think that was a good idea. What fools these mortals be." Well, now we get to see her shoot electricity out of her fingertips and hopefully tangle with Peter "I'm so much hotter since I cut my hair" Petrelli.

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At October 24, 2007 at 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so i was watching tv tonight, and "criminal minds" sucked me in, even though i've never watched it before. and this guy
looked and sounded so familiar to me, but i can't figure out why. he hasn't really been in anything. and it's driving me insane! can you figure out who i'm thinking of? haha

At October 25, 2007 at 9:11 AM, Blogger Laura said...

I have NO idea who that is! IMDB says he was a Tommy Hilfiger model - maybe you saw him in an ad?

At October 25, 2007 at 7:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Bones was so funny! I only caught up on it last night. But oh, the therapy was fantastic. I like that they are continuing it! I did not see the previews, but I am excited! I cannot beleive Brennan would ever be Wonder Woman! But then again, I would never have imagined myself as Cinderella, and yet...


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