Random thoughts

Friday, October 19, 2007

Um... yeah...

Did anyone else watch the Viva Laughlin premiere last night? That's the show set in Las Vegas with the random musical numbers. Yeah.

Well, first, let me say that the plot didn't interest me at all. I didn't care when I heard about it, and I didn't care when I was watching it. I honestly don't even think I could describe it to you. The ONLY reason to watch this show was to see how badly the singing thing would work out.

And it was awkward. I have to give them credit - the Vegas setting gives it enough flash that it really doesn't seem too weird to have a guy dancing down the street or busting a move on top of a blackjack table. But the actual execution of the singing? Not so much. The songs are pop songs, sung by the cast members over the track of the original artist! That's just... bizarre. I could understand if the cast members were singing the songs on their own (see Kristin Chenowith's "Hopelessly Devoted to You" from last week's Pushing Daisies), but to have them sing along with the original artist like they're listening to some non-existent radio is just weird. And they weren't even very good at it. Half the time, they weren't in time with the recorded singer. I don't understand why they didn't just use these songs as the soundtrack, without making the cast sing along with them. They could still, you know, dance around if they wanted to, I guess.

Anyway, bottom line - weird. And one other thing - what the hell is "Laughlin"? They talked about it like it was a place, where the casino was located. Is it a section of Vegas? I can't imagine Vegas has, like, suburbs. I mean, it's in the middle of the desert.



At October 20, 2007 at 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wasn't the actress who played aunt becky on full house named lori laughlin? that's what that makes me think of. oh, full house.

At October 22, 2007 at 11:19 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Ha! Yeah, Lori Laughlin was Aunt Becky. No relation, I think, to this show, although I would've loved to see a musical episode of Full House.


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