Random thoughts

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

TV talk

Did anybody watch Drive on Sunday? I was so preoccupied with the season finale of the Dresden Files that I forgot about it, so I taped Monday night's episode in the hopes of catching up online or something. It doesn't seem like the reviews are all that great, but considering the dearth of good television right now, I don't mind too much.

Speaking of dearth, the news doesn't look good for Veronica Mars. Scroll all the way down to the end of this chat to read the bad news - VM is almost definitely canceled. :( Please excuse me while I rend my garments.

The Black Donnellys appears to have bit the dust (maybe they'll have the show's wake in the Donnelly brothers' bar), but you can watch the rest of the episodes online.

And for all of you who were counting on a new episode of Bones this week... well, not so much. Fox is pulling the episode because of the shooting at VA Tech (apparently the episode had something to do with a murder on a college campus).
I don't blame them for doing this, but poor David Boreanaz. Every show he's on gets an episode pulled because of a school shooting. (Remember Earshot, and then Graduation Day?)

I am still watching 24, which is about the only show still on TV anymore. Last night's episode took a sharp U-turn from the entire preceding season, since we're abruptly ending the nuclear bomb plot, like, 6 hours early to go chase after Audrey in China. I think it's kind of funny how people at CTU are all shocked that Jack's gone rogue - like he hasn't done that at least once a day? And dumb Ricky Schroeder (standing on the side of the highway, where Jack left him stranded) yelling, "You can't go against the White House!" - clearly, Rick hasn't watched the previous 5 seasons. I did love Jack's line to the President - "You owe me." Oh, he soooo does. The entire Palmer family owes him their lives (several times over), not to mention how many times he's saved the city of Los Angeles from destruction and the country from utter chaos and war. So, yeah, that "You owe me" has been a loooong time coming. Way to go, Jack, for cashing in (even if it only lasted half an episode).

And finally, because I promised Kelly, why Buffy is a gay icon - don't ask me where I find this stuff.

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