Random thoughts

Monday, January 15, 2007

Drop the coffee!

Was that not hilarious? I mean, usually it's all, "Drop the weapon!" But no, Jack's like, "Drop the coffee!" I think he's losing his edge.

So, unless you're completely uncool, you watched the first half of the FOUR HOUR, TWO DAY season premiere of 24 last night. Or maybe you taped it. If you taped it, stop reading now, because I'm gonna talk about it. Okay? Good.

So... OMG! (That's pretty much how I start out all my comments about 24.) This season definitely started off with a bang (literally) - it's so interesting to see the show set in an America where terrorist attacks in the U.S. are becoming regular occurrences. When you think about it, 24 is kind of set in the future, since they keep adding years in between the seasons (by my calculations, the show is around 2010 by now). I have to think, though, that the idea of suicide bombers on our buses and subways seems a lot less frightening now than it did right after September 11th - like the fear has kind of worn off by now.

But hey - Jack's back! And, like season 2, he's got a beard (albeit much more Mosesy) which he shaves off by the end of the first episode. That's how we know he means business. Way to break my heart with that "dying for something instead of dying for nothing" line, Jack. But of course, we all knew he was gonna break out. I loved the looks on everyone's faces when they found out - like, "that's insane, how did he do that?" but also, "well, yeah, it's Jack..." and of course, within minutes, he's snapped back into his usual role of knowing what's going on, and being all commanding about it, and NO ONE listening to him. PEOPLE! When will you learn?? *shakes head in dismay* I know the man's been tortured by the Chinese for a year and a half, but still, he's got game.

Speaking of which, OMG Jack bit a guy! I had a brief moment where I thought, "Hey, maybe Jack's a vampire. That could be why he's so hard to kill. Then the Slayer's son/President would have to stake him." And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a Buffy/24 crossover fanfic in which Jack fights vampires with a girl who kinda looks like his daughter, except with less cougar. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a fanfic involving Buffy and a cougar.

One thing I found disconcerting (and when you hear what it is, you'll probably find me disconcerting) was that, when Jack was in the subway, he didn't buy a ticket! He's getting on the train, and I'm like, "Jack! You didn't buy a ticket! You're breaking the law!" I think the next time I'm on the train and I don't have a ticket, I'm gonna say, "I'm a federal agent, there's a terrorist on your train, don't make a fuss," and see how it works. I think it's hilarious that a.) Jack still calls himself a federal agent - is he even working for CTU, really? I mean, technically he hasn't had a job since season 4, right? And b.) the conductor doesn't even ask to see ID or a badge or anything (which is a good thing, since Jack doesn't have them anyway, having just escaped from his frying pan/fire torture situation).

How heartbreaking though, when he stops torturing the guy and is like, "I don't know how to do this anymore." I kind of get that... I mean, the man was the KING of torturing terrorists, and now he knows what it's like. I think he finally understands exactly what his job has done to him, as a person, and it's going to make it very hard for him to just jump back into it the way he always has in the past. I mean, he's had obstacles, like not wanting to lose his family, and feeling like he has to distance himself from anyone he loves to keep them from getting hurt. But that always got pushed aside in the name of duty when he had to come back and save the world (or at least, L.A.). This time, though, the struggle is entirely internal - can he be the same Jack Bauer after everything he's been through? And it looks like the country is depending on him to do just that.

Final thoughts on the rest of the cast (yes, they do exist) - Milo! *squee* I'm so happy he's back, although I'd really like them to explain why and how he's back, after disappearing mid-season 1 to eat popcorn. I'd also think he'd be more sympathetic to Chloe's feelings, since he knew Jack personally too... Speaking of, love Chloe, but she did a STUPID thing, almost getting Jack killed for nothing. Wayne Palmer as President? Kennedy much? He's not as good as his brother, I can tell already. Although there must have been a bit of deja vu with the whole "asking Jack to die for his country" bit, since Palmer the First (that would be the Allstate guy) did that in season 2. (Although I guess there's not much 24 hasn't done...) I get the sense that the Palmer sister is going to be this year's "plot that no one cares about" except that that one FBI guy (the one who did most of the talking) looks SOOOO familiar, it's going to drive me crazy. Oh, and how cute that Bill Buchanan and Karen Hayes are married? I always hoped those crazy kids could make it work.

Well, I think that's all for now. Class dismissed. Your reading assignment is a USA Today article about 24. Oh, and sadly, I won't be able to watch the second half of the FOUR HOUR TWO DAY season premiere, since I'll be partying it up black-tie style at the Governor's inaugural to-do. I'll be back on Wednesday. Till then, watch 24!



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