Random thoughts

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Post-holiday fun

So, anyone else eat too many Christmas cookies the past few days? Trick question! There's no such thing as too many Christmas cookies.

Hope everyone had a good holiday - mine was the same as usual, not too many disasters, family mostly sane and normal. Dad tried to get Aunt Linda drunk on cosmopolitans. Grandmom said mildly offensive things. Someone threw their green beans on the floor and wouldn't own up to it. We had to teach Aunt Donna how to use the pause button on her remote control (seriously, who doesn't know that the two little lines means pause?). Everyone laughed at the story about my mom dropping the entire tray of oatmeal cookies on the floor, but after that, no one ate the oatmeal cookies (we didn't serve the floor cookies, I promise).

My cousin Devi and I did manage to whup my mom and my aunt at Trivial Pursuit. The entire car ride home, my mom kept saying things like "I can't believe you beat us!" and "You got all the easy questions!" (We didn't, by the way, she's just a sore loser, the rest of the family will back me up.)

So here's some exciting new for those who, like me, had to work today: There's a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. It's another animated version, with Sarah Michelle Gellar doing the voice of April.

Also, EW's interview with Stephen Colbert. He's so awesome.

Going to Paris for the weekend? Can I come?

Aww, this time last year, I was leaving for Paris... to embark on a journey in the footsteps of Victor Hugo. Okay, I used college funds to take a vacation. Like you wouldn't do it if you had the chance. I did stay in that spooky hotel that was haunted by Hugo's ghost, and I went on a tour of the Paris sewers. I totally earned that money.

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