Random thoughts

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Bridget is back

I love Bridget Jones' Diary. I thought the first one was hilariously awesome. The second one came out while I was in London, and I went to see it with my friend Mary and it was so cool because we were like, "I know that street!" and things like that. So I, for one, am quite pleased that Bridget will be returning for a third movie. Just as soon as Helen Fielding writes the book.

The story is supposed to jump ahead 10 years since the last book/movie, so there's a lot of catching up to do. While we wait for the book to get written, you can read about what's new for Bridget in these columns from The Independent.

I'd also recommend one of Fielding's other novels - Olivia Joules and the Overactive Imagination. It's somewhat Bridget-like, except with the CIA and Osama bin Laden (maybe). It's a fun read, so put it on your Christmas list.



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