Random thoughts

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kitty Christmas

Chelsea had been lurking around the refrigerator a lot today, so I broke down and got out the flashlight to see what she'd lost under there this time. Imagine my surprise when I found a WHOLE STASH of kitty toys under the fridge. Like, more toys than I knew she had. Granted, I'd noticed that they were disappearing pretty quickly, and I was finding a lot less in the sofa cushions than would account for all of them, but still. Kind of a shocking sight.

So, I got out a clothes hanger and got down on my belly and fished out as much junk as I could. Final tally: 23 fuzzy balls, 13 mice, 4 bottle caps, 1 plastic ball, a twistie tie, and a Klondike bar wrapper. And that's not even counting the stuff I couldn't reach.

After sorting through and tossing out the ones that were too grody for Chelsea to be sticking in her mouth (and yes, we are talking about an animal who licks her own ass), we now have cat toys scattered all over my living room floor. It looks like a pet store exploded.

In other news: Baby! Squee!



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