Random thoughts

Friday, February 01, 2008

OMG is it the weekend YET??

No? Damn.

How about now?

Still no? *sigh*

Okay, well, I did have a little free time this morning to catch up on, oh, about three weeks' worth of news. Here are the highlights of the presidential primaries:
  1. Thompson is out.
  2. So is Kucinich...
  3. ...and Edwards.
  4. The NY Times endorsed Hillary...
  5. ...and McCain.
  6. And the Kennedys adopted Obama.
For those interested in the tally, Obama and Hillary are the big two for the Democrats (shocker), with Obama winning Iowa and South Carolina, and Hillary netting New Hampshire, Michigan, and Nevada. For the Republicans, McCain is the front-runner, with New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida under his belt, while Romney and Huckabee trail behind with their lone wins in Michigan and Iowa respectively.

Now, it gets complicated. Tuesday, February 5th is Super Tuesday, when 22 states will hold their primaries, which means someone could come out a winner... or the states could split fairly evenly and we'd be in for a long primary season, for the first time in a while. Won't that be fun?



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