Random thoughts

Friday, December 07, 2007

Santa's a jerk

I don't actually remember the old Rudolph movie (I'll be honest, other than Christmas Vacation and Charlie Brown, I don't really watch many Christmas specials), but apparently, Santa's kind of a jerk. Of course, I also didn't realize Rudolph was gay...

Anyway, with the end of the year fast approaching and no end to the strike in sight, I thought you might want an update on how many episodes of your favorite shows are left. The highlights:
  1. 24 - Most likely not airing this season. Boo!
  2. Bones - 3 episodes remaining (next episode 1/4/2008).
  3. Chuck - 1 episode remains. The final episode will air in 2008.
  4. Dirty Sexy Money - 1 episodes remaining.
  5. Friday Night Lights - 7 episodes remaining, which will air in 2008. Whee!
  6. Heroes - Zero episodes remain. Boo!
  7. How I Met Your Mother - 1 episode remains and will air on 12/10
  8. Jericho - All seven episodes will air. Will premier Tuesday, Feb. 12 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT).
  9. The Office - No episodes remain. Boo!
  10. Psych - Full second half of season will air. Whee!
  11. Pushing Daisies - 1 episodes remaining and will air on 12/12.
  12. Reaper - Confusion! There are either zero or two episodes remaining. Guess we'll find out next year when it either comes back or it doesn't.

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At December 10, 2007 at 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw, poor rudolph. santa's so mean to him. i do remember some of that movie, at least the part with the fake nose.


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