Random thoughts

Thursday, December 06, 2007

OK, the snow's not so fun anymore

There should be a rule that the Department of Education is closed whenever the area schools are closed. Then we could've gotten a two-hour delay this morning, and I wouldn't be so sleepy. I need to start going to bed earlier. I was doing good for a while there with the 11/11:30 bedtime (sorry, Jon Stewart, but you're in reruns anyway), but now I'm back to like, midnight... 12:30... 1am... and it definitely makes a difference.

So, in other news, are you a perfectionist? If so, this article may tell you something about your mental health. I think I've been at least two of the three types of perfectionists in my life. (I used to be a three, now I think I'm more of a one.) Except I'm very selective about my OCD. For example, I don't care if all my clothes are in a pile on the chair, but if I actually hang them in the closet, God forbid they not all be hanging in the same direction.

Also, here's an interesting article about Presidential ambition. It's actually not as boring as it sounds. There's been a little competition between Obama and Clinton over who's wanted to be President the shortest amount of time. Apparently, wanting to be President since you were in kindergarten is a BAD thing. Really? Does it make a person less desirable if they've been preparing themselves for this office for years? Don't we WANT someone who's prepared, as opposed to a candidate who rolled out of bed one morning and said, "I think I'll run for President today"?

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At December 6, 2007 at 11:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Aw! You should totally get off of work or have a delay! Oh, the two-hour delay. How I miss you! Because being drowsy at work is no fun. Then time seems to go by so slooooowly. Oh, I have something to talk to you about, so I hope to catch you online soon. And about yesterday's post- I dont see the harm in letting them know you might be interested.


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