Random thoughts

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

It's snowing! and a job question

First of all, it's snowing! We're supposed to get 1-3 inches today. *sigh* I miss the days when that'd be enough to get school canceled. Apparently, they don't close this place for anything.

So, work news. My boss just left and took a job at the State Board, and Teresa, the deputy director, just got promoted. So, that means the deputy spot is open. I asked Teresa, and she said they'll be hiring someone, but she doesn't know when. My mother thinks I should tell her I want to be considered. Am I the only one who thinks that would be obvious? Why wouldn't I be interested? But I also feel like I'm probably not qualified for the job. I've only been here 8 months, and Teresa had about four years more experience than I do when she started that job. Plus, if they were going to consider me for it, wouldn't that have already come up? I mean, the job directly above me opened up, so wouldn't I be the first logical consideration, if they thought I could do it?

Thoughts? Advice?

On a completely unrelated note, the writers' strike is looking like it may last a long time. Good thing I've got plenty of DVDs on my Blockbuster queue. Also, this is the most bizarre thing to put on a T-shirt ever. Any Buffy fans want one for Christmas?

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At December 7, 2007 at 1:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, omg, that shirt is hilarious. i loved giles' drawings in that episode. but i'd rather have a "Michael Scott's Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run For The Cure" T-Shirt.
on nbc's website:

as for the job, go for it. doesn't hurt to ask or try.
as for my job- i'm hoping lara will get the education curator position, so that i can apply for her job. but they're not even advertising the curator position until we get a new director, i think.

and it snowed here too. i was super excited. even though it was only an inch or two.


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