Random thoughts

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

TV overload

Lots of stuff today. First of all, Chuck has been picked up for a full season, which totally pleases me, because as I was watching it last night, I realized that this was the best, funniest new show of the season. It had a little bit of a shaky start, but it's been consistently funny, and the last several episodes have developed the backstory, giving it a depth that sets it above an equally funny show like Reaper. I especially love watching it with Kelly on IM, so we can repeat the one-liners to each other and giggle, over and over. Plus, as I've mentioned before - ADAM BALDWIN. But really, the entire cast is awesome (to use Captain A's favorite word).

It's also nice, because it gives me a solid block of television to watch, along with Heroes, which is steadily getting better. (How excited was I that Sylar killed Annoying Boy Twin? One down, one to go! And who ever thought I'd be rooting for Sylar? Sometimes it's nice to have a crazy fucker around to thin out the riff-raff.) I'm pretty sure Adam is evil, but I completely don't care, because I love him and Peter, and if Hiro kills either one of them, I will be very, very cross. They keep saying two more Heroes will die (and, presumably, stay dead, otherwise it's just kinda silly). I just can't narrow it down. Hiro, Annoying Girl Twin, Mohinder, Parkman, Niki... I'd kill off any of them. Just don't touch Peter, Claire, Adam, Nathan, HRG, or Elle and I'll be happy.

One Hero we haven't heard much from lately is Nathan. I guess he's still wandering around Ireland looking for Peter. Come back, Nathan! I miss you! And what a hot trifecta you'd make if you joined up with Peter and Adam. Hey, did you know that the Pasdar wrote and directed a Civil War musical? He's multi-talented. Also, here's a nice article about the actor who plays the Haitian. Turns out, he's really from Haiti.

So, what's on TV tonight? The big Bones kiss, of course! I have a sense of foreboding about this. I may be one of the few people who doesn't want Booth and Bones to get together. I really like their brother/sister relationship - Bones never really had a family, and it's nice that she has someone that she can trust and care about and who cares about her, without it being sexual. I've repeatedly felt like the sexual tension between them seems manufactured solely to get us to want them together, when really their natural relationship is an intimate friendship that works really well. And I want it to stay that way.

Damages is coming out on DVD! I've said it before, and I'll say it again - you should watch this show. Glenn Close, people! Not to mention the twistiest, double-crossingest high-stakes mystery ever. Strike notwithstanding, the second season should premiere sometime next summer, so you'll have plenty of time to catch up. The DVD comes out January 29th.

And finally, when worlds collide: what TV shows do the presidential candidates watch? Well, Hillary has totally won the vote with my HGTV-obsessed parents. John McCain's comment about wanting to break out of prison was awkward... and kinda sad. And I'm mildly disturbed that, of all the candidates, I find myself mostly agreeing with Dennis Kucinich. But does anyone else feel like Fred Thompson should've mentioned Law & Order??

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At November 29, 2007 at 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i sometimes watch chuck, usually meghan has it on.
but it's kind of confusing when you've only seen a few episodes.
but chuck is awfully cute, reminds me of john krasinski


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