Random thoughts

Monday, December 10, 2007

Bah humbug

Is anyone else tired of Christmas? Maybe it's just me, but I just don't feel like expending the energy this year. I'm not doing Christmas cards, so if you were expecting mail... sorry. I don't even want to do presents. My family is the worst to buy for. No one wants anything, no one needs anything, and I don't see them often enough to know what they like. And then they ask me what I want, and I don't really need anything either! So perhaps we should just skip the whole thing altogether.

I went Christmas shopping yesterday, and was actually moderately successful (Mom, two aunts and Grandmom checked off the list). But I really don't like shopping when I don't know what to get someone. I end up just wandering up and down the mall, in and out of department stores, with no real idea of what I'm looking for. I hate that kind of shopping. I just want to go in knowing what I want, find it, buy it, and get out.

I'm also picky about presents. I hate giving gift cards, or even generic presents that you could give to anyone. I like finding things that are specific to the person, which of course sets the bar higher in the gift-giving arena. Sometimes I get lazy, though (one aunt and Grandmom are pretty much interchangeable this year). Also, trying to cater to the specific person, I tend to get people the same things every year. And then it's like, well, my dad likes gin, but I got him gin for his birthday and Father's Day and last Christmas, etc. (Same for my uncle, except in place of "gin" substitute "tea.") Do I really want to get the same thing again?

So, in conclusion, if anyone has any suggestions for gifts for the following family members, please let me know:

Dad - likes gin, classic cars, Nascar, football (Eagles), and HGTV. Is a Mr. Fix-it around the house, but already owns every power tool known to man.
Uncle - from India, former math teacher, now retired, likes tea, has lung cancer.
Aunt - nun, lives in Maryland, speaks French, used to be a Catholic school teacher, likes to compare aches and pains with my mom and other aunt.
Aunt & Uncle - run a deli/cafe, used to go snowmobiling in the Poconos, hate cats. For the past 18 years, lives seemed to revolve around their sons' sports schedules.
Cousins - both boys, college-age, like sports of all kinds, but no idea which teams. Formerly, Flyers were a staple, but now the one is into crew. Crew?? There aren't any professional crew teams! The older is majoring in chemical engineering at University of Delaware, the younger is in trade school for landscaping.

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At December 10, 2007 at 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

has your dad seen that movie about the eagles? invincible? unbreakable? something like that? with marky mark? my mom liked the movie.

i have no idea what to get my dad. or brothers. or grandparents. i really need to go shopping. i haven't much yet. but i hate going to the mall not knowing what to get, like you said.

At December 11, 2007 at 10:26 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Invincible, yeah. (Unbreakable was the one with Bruce Willis, lol.) We actually watched that one time when my parents stayed at my apartment. My dad's not really the kind of guy you buy movies for - he mostly falls asleep anyway, so it's not really worth it. :-P

I'm thinking I'll just get my dad a bottle of gin. Always useful. Are your brothers into video games? I'd usually go with a DVD or CD or something. My problem is that I never see my cousins anymore, so I have no idea what their tastes are. I asked Andrew for a "college male" perspective, and he suggested Superbad.

At December 11, 2007 at 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh, superbad was really funny. matt told me something he wanted, now i've just got to figure out mike.


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