Random thoughts

Friday, November 16, 2007

For your education

So, I was watching the Democratic primary debate last night, while talking to Kelly on IM, and after a series of, "OMG, Kucinich is such a crazy little leprechaun"..."Who?" and "Oh, look at Chris Dodd go!"..."Who's that?" type exchanges, I realized I'm not doing my civic duty and educating you people on politics. Granted, that's because I assumed that no one else cares about it as much as I do, but... well, too bad. Blame Kelly.

Let's start off with the debate. No, wait, first... register with the New York Times, because you're gonna need it. Got it? Good. Now: debate. Wanna know what happened? You can read the transcript! Okay, maybe not, it's 43 pages. Here's an article that's, well, shorter. Basically, it's open season on Hillary, which is to be expected since she's the frontrunner. I can't say that anyone really stood out as a clear winner, although Kucinich made himself look pretty crazy when he couldn't think of a single issue where he differed from unions (any union, all unions, pick one). Hillary did better than she has in the last couple debates, but they all managed to give waffly answers on one thing or another. Obama kind of annoyed me with his inability to answer a straight question (loved when Wolf said, "I think this is a yes or no question," after Obama repeatedly tried to talk about comprehensive immigration reform instead of answering the simple question about giving illegal immigrants driver's licenses). At least Hillary's only indecisiveness was whether she preferred diamonds or pearls (and, okay, seriously, what kind of a question is that??).

For those of you like Kelly who repeatedly ask, "Who's that?" when talking about the various candidates, this debate wrap has a whole section on the right side of the page with candidate information (with helpful pictures!).



At November 17, 2007 at 2:18 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for educating me! I hope to retain this knowledge. Er, for a little while at least. Will there be a quiz...?

At November 19, 2007 at 10:43 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Yes, there will be a quiz, a POP QUIZ, so you better study.


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