Random thoughts

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Finally, good news to report!

Rejoice, gentle readers, for I am feeling BETTER. Of course, that was prefaced by me feeling abominably worse, but hey, I'll take it.

So, last time I posted I was on the toast-only diet due to some unexpected vomiting. Well, despite my best toasting efforts, the vomiting continued until last Monday, at which point I'd lost 7 lbs in two weeks, I wasn't really eating anything, and my doctor was like, "Get thee to a hospital!" It turns out that the walls of my intestines were so swollen, it was starting to block the pathway where the food is supposed to go. So I spent the night in the hospital, they pumped me full of fluids, started me on steroids, and gave me my first infusion treatment of the immunosuppressant that will hopefully put the Crohn's in remission.

And seriously, people, it's like a miraculous recovery. On Thursday, I was still on a liquid diet; by Saturday, I was eating crab linguini alfredo and Caesar salad (OMG I have missed salad). It's all because of the steroids - they're like a fire extinguisher, a quick blast to get rid of the inflammation really fast - but they only treat the symptoms, not the Crohn's itself, so of course as soon as I stop taking the steroids, all the pain and discomfort would come back. The plan is to stay on the steroids until the other meds have a chance to work.

I'm already kind of feeling the side effects of the steroids (I have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night, and I'm hungry ALL the time), but I can actually eat food, so for the moment, I'm like, "Steroids are the most awesome drug EVER." I started cooking this weekend - I've been watching the Food Network a lot (vicarious eating, yo) and feeling like I wanted to learn how to cook better, but there's not much point in cooking when all you can eat is toast. But now that I'm feeling better, I bought myself a cookbook and plan to start making meals for myself more often. I did a pecan-crusted apricot chicken for my parents (who came to stay with me when I went in the hospital, and just left yesterday), and made potato-leek soup and pasta salad with snap peas and squash (the leftovers of which I will be eating all this week), and it was all very tasty.

I'm still taking 13 pills a day, and there are still some foods I can't eat (anything greasy, spicy, or high in fiber), but compared to the last six months, this is like FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!



At January 19, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hooray!! We like it!

At January 20, 2010 at 12:49 AM, Anonymous megan said...

sorry to hear that you had to go into the hospital, but that's great that you can eat again!

At January 30, 2010 at 3:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

At last! I'm so glad to hear you can once again eat real food. I too am a Food network junkie, always makes me hungry. But cooking for one is kinda depressing. All that work and no one to clean it up for you!
Hopefully this Crohns crap will be kicked in the ass into remission!! Cheers to feeling better!


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