Random thoughts

Monday, August 25, 2008


Really? Well, at least this guy will be happy. He's good for foreign policy experience, as well as the working-class vote, and apparently he's old enough that he won't want to run in 8 years, giving Hillary another shot (although he's only 65 - if McCain is running now in his 70s, who's to say Biden can't?). But I was kinda thinking they'd choose someone from a better state than Delaware. (No offense, Delawarians.)

I also thought it was interesting, because Biden kind of has a mouth on him, in an Ed Rendell-esque, says whatever he thinks kind of way. Not exactly Obama's disciplined on-message speechifying. McCain, of course, is already pointing out that back in 2007, Biden was quoted as saying Obama wasn't ready for the Presidency. We'll see how this works.



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