Random thoughts

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You could just shoot me. That'd be simpler...

Moving is HARD. This is quite possibly the most stressful thing I have ever done.

Spent the second weekend in a row apartment-hunting in DC with my parents. We did actually manage to find something, but not before completely exceeding our quota of U-turns (DC apparently causes our GPS to have schizophrenic episodes) and giving me a headache that lasted 36 hours.

But! I did find a place, in Arlington - it's on S. Glebe Rd. right near the Army Navy Country Club, if anyone's familiar with landmarks - and it's very nice. Don't even ask what my rent is, but the apartment was recently renovated and so the kitchen's got pretty granite countertops and cherry cabinets. My mother is jealous that I'll now have a nicer kitchen than she does. :)

My last day of work here is July 2nd, and I'm moving out July 3rd. I have not started packing yet, although I did just get rid of an entire suitcase full of clothes I don't want. (And we're talking the huge, 3-weeks-in-Europe suitcase.) Just looking at it all makes me feel exhausted.

We have a minor snafu with the kitty, in that I never actually told the leasing office that I have one, and they have to come in for the walk-through inspection before I leave. So I'll need to find a place to stash Chelsea for a day - hopefully Christi will be around.

Chelsea seems to be getting slightly freaked out by all the stuff going on - when I left last weekend with the huge suitcase, I thought she was going to run after me. But she seems to enjoy jumping in the empty boxes and pulling the labels off them.


Wake me up when it's moving day.

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At June 24, 2009 at 8:04 PM, Anonymous megan said...

aw, yeah, moving sucks. i hate packing.

and driving in dc is absolutely ridiculous. i'm not surprised your gps was confused- the way the city is set up makes no sense. i once saw an intersection of N street and N street. that should not happen!!!!!

At June 24, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Good luck! Your new place is very close to my office - LUNCH!

At June 25, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Anonymous Kelly said...

You are an inspiration! I cant imagine what a whirlwind these past few weeks have been for you. I'm so glad you found an apartment! I hope packing goes well. If you need help with that, let me know. I'm still unemployed and papering is slow.

At June 26, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Blogger Laura said...

Megan - Driving in DC is a nightmare! I don't think I will ever leave my neighborhood.

Eddie - Sounds good, except I probably won't be at my apartment during lunch, since I'll be working. :) But I'll be there for dinners and weekends.

Kelly - Not sure if I'll need help - my parents are coming up this weekend, so hopefully we'll get a lot done. I would, however, like to see you at least once while we live in the same state, so think about dinner next week or something.


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