Random thoughts

Thursday, September 14, 2006

A few political tidbits

Because, well, it's me, and I'm a political junkie. Both of these are from Tom Ferrick's PoliBlog, which, as soon as I really get the blog set up I will have a link to, because he's one of the blogs I check regularly.

Anyway, this post just got Colin McNickle of the Pittsburgh Trib-Review added to my list. (This would be the list of reporters and news media I strongly dislike. Also on my list: Bill O'Reilly, Tony Phyrillas of the Pottstown Mercury, Tony Romeo of KYW, and, well, the entire Trib-Review staff.) Apparently, Rick Santorum is "too liberal" for Colin's taste. Tom says:

In all my years, I have never ever heard Santorum called liberal, let alone "too liberal."... Other than McNickle does anyone out there think that Santorum is a liberal? And, if so, what would that make Bob Casey Jr. or Arlen Specter? I know one thing, it would make Teddy Kennedy a Maoist.

Yeah, I figure by that standard, I'm quite the communist.

Then there is this, which kinda makes me sad, because Gov. Rendell is trying desperately to convince everyone that this will be his last campaign. I'd like to see him run for President (and not because I'd like to work in the White House... well, not only because of that). But I had to point this post out because Tom uses the word "Knollophobia" - which completely just made my day. For those who don't know, Catherine Baker Knoll, or CBK, occasionally known as "that crackpot old lady," is the Lt. Governor, and God help us all if she ever became Governor. And thus, Knollophobia - "the nagging fear that Rendell will depart for Washington in mid-term and that Catherine Baker Knoll will become governor of Pennsylvania."



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